2.4: Escape pt. 2

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"I'm sorry?" Emma stalled, but I knew she heard him.

"There was a noise back there," he said, suspicion in his voice. "I thought you were alone?"

I thought she would hesitate or panic, but she quickly replied with: "I am alone. I have some boxes back there and a few tools—one of them must've fallen."

"Uh huh." I knew he wasn't convinced.

"Speaking of that, I'll have to check which one fell." She lied almost as smoothly as him. "Have a good day."

"Wait, miss!" Jungkook said desperately.

I heard her sigh. "Look, if you don't leave, I'm afraid I'll have to make you."

"But I haven't done anything wrong!" He whined, almost innocently. "You can't just kick me out!"

"Yes, I can," she argued tiredly. "This is my shop and you're on my property. Please, make it easier for both of us and leave."

He huffed angrily, the wind chimes knocking against each other again as he left.

We waited in silence, relief loosening our bodies.

"It's clear," she called. "You two owe me."

I picked up the key with trembling fingers and fitted into the lock, unlocking and opening the door. She was standing in front of the door wearing a frown and a skeptical look in her eyes.

"Thank you so much," Namjoon said gratefully. "I can't thank you enough."

"Eh, it was nothing," she waved dismissively, turning to me. "Who was that guy?"


Her mouth formed an O. "So that's him?" She looked perplexed. "Why are you hiding, then?"

"It's a long story that you probably wouldn't give a shit about," I answered hurriedly, dodging her question. "We have to go. Thanks for the help."

As we left the music studio, Namjoon frowned at me, saying, "rushing off wasn't a very nice way to thank her. You could've at least explained a bit."

I sighed. "How about you try explaining that the missing friend we've been looking for is now a winged demon that will stop at nothing to kidnap you?"

He didn't argue back.

~ ~ ~ ~
"If that baby screams one more time, I might just jump out the window," I muttered, shifting anxiously in my uncomfortable, plastic seat.

"Calm down," Namjoon said, leafing through the money he brought. "You're gonna combust if you stay so wound up."

We were finally on the train, after pushing through bundled up tourists and shoving our way to the train doors. After nearly an hour, we collapsed gratefully in our seats. The train was speeding towards Incheon, which would take us about an hour and a half to reach.

Ever since we left the train station, my paranoia had kept me on edge. I kept glancing out the clouded window, as if I expected to see Jungkook flying by. The mere sign of a crow swooping by made me flinch, even though each one flew off after being intimidated by the train's roar.

I found it harder and harder to feel sane. I restlessly fidgeted, glancing over my shoulder and through the window. A nervous laugh escaped my lips. How was I so fearless and calm before? I couldn't remember. My senses should feel sharp and attentive, ready to pounce at the nearest threat. Instead, they felt dulled. The grumble of the train was dulled in my ears, as if I were hearing it underwater.

I twisted my hands, rubbing them to soothe my swelling anxiety. Namjoon noticed, and placed his free hand on my shoulder. "Get some rest," he said, still staring at the money spread out before him. "You're going to need it."

I shook my head. "I have to stay awake, no matter what it takes. Jungkook could attack the train. If I sleep now, it would take a miracle to wake me up."

"Don't be silly," he huffed, his hand leaving my shoulder to recount his money. "You haven't had real sleep in days. You're pushing your limit."

"I'm fine," I argued persistently.

"Listen to me, Tae," Namjoon's voice became strict and serious. He looked up from the won for the first time and sternly made eye contact. "All you're doing is exhausting yourself. You need to be awake and energetic if you want to be alert."

I slumped in my seat, defeated. "I just don't want to lose you," I murmured.

"I know," he sighed, patting my shoulder gently. "But I'm older than you—"

"By one year!" I interrupted indignantly.

"I'm still older," he smiled, "and I can take care of myself, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." Despite my sour mood, his smile brought a grin to my face. "I'm still going to stay awake."

"You asshole," Namjoon groaned, but it quickly turned into a snort of laughter. "So, what's the plan?"

"Plan?" I repeated. "There's no plan. We go to Incheon, find a safe place to stay, and wait it out."

"Wait it out?" He frowned. "You realize that we're only stalling him, then?"

"Yes, but it's the best we can do. Who knows, Jungkook might visit me again in a vision."

"I don't have a good feeling about this. We're just running away constantly, we can't keep running forever. And if..." He paused. "If I am taken, that means Hoseok-hyung's next. We can't go too far."

Realization sunk in my stomach. He was right. If we kept moving around, away from Seoul and the others, what would I do if I couldn't save Namjoon? I was far from rich, the money I brought with me was basically all I had. How long could I keep this up?

"I've been meaning to ask you," Namjoon began. "Why can only you remember us? Did your dreams say anything about that?"

"No," I answered. "I don't even know why they went straight to you and skipped over me."

"Isn't that kind of suspicious?" He asked. "You're almost like a chosen—"


A loud thump on the roof of the train car shook it slightly. No one seemed to notice, but my head snapped to where it sounded.


A louder thump shuddered the train car. A baby began to cry and a child yelped.

"What the hell..."

I looked at the metal roof over the walkway of the train car. It was slightly dented.


"He's coming," I said fearfully as the passengers murmured nervously. "He found us."

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