2.5: Chocolate Wings

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I moved Namjoon behind me with a quick sweep of my arm and waited as the thumps echoed loudly in the interior of the train. It sounded like heavy rocks falling on to the roof of the train. There was no place for us to run, no place for us to hide. The best we could do was stand our ground and hope we would survive as the ceiling caved in more and more.

My breaths grew shorter and my heart beat faster with each thump. I could hear my blood roaring in my ears, a hint to the tsunami of fear about to destroy my composure.

"Okay," Namjoon said, shaky panic seeping into his voice. "So, what's the plan?"

"I thought you were the one to make plans, hyung," I replied, letting out a choked, nervous laugh. His eyebrows furrowed and he frowned.

"Yeah, but you're the one seeing these demons," he shot back. "So, what's the plan?"

"We fight him until he gives up," I answered simply. His frown deepened.

He rolled his eyes. "Great plan."

"And we try to not get killed in the process," I added.

"But what about the other passengers?" He said suddenly, concern filling his eyes. "They might get hurt because of him."

"They'll be okay," I assured him. "They'll run once he breaks through the--"

As if on cue, the metal ripped with a horrifying sound and he landed on the train floor kneeling. Passengers screamed in terror as his wings slowly expanded--chocolate colored instruments of destruction.

Unlike my prediction, the passengers stood there in shock. Some raised phones over their heads, recording the scene instead of running for their lives. Babies cried in an earsplitting chorus.

"Hey!" I yelled to the gaping bystanders. They all turned to look at me. "What the hell are you doing standing there? Leave!"

"I-I'm a journalist!" A middle-aged man holding his camera shouted back. "I h-have to g-get this!"

"You dumbass!" I hollered. "GET OUT OF HERE! You'll only get hurt--"

I didn't get to finish my warning before Jungkook slammed the journalist into the train wall. This scattered the passengers quickly. They ran, terrified, for the exits.

Jungkook's head swiveled towards the source of my voice and we locked eyes. His pupils were two smoldering coals that burned hot fear directly into my confidence. I shriveled under such an intense stare, but Namjoon's presence behind me kept me from crumbling.

The passengers thankfully had followed my orders. There was no one else in the train car but us three and the tense silence that hung over us ominously.

He's still Jungkook. He's still the cheerful boy you know.

"Jungkook," I began, but he merely shook his head immediately.

"Give him to me willingly and no one gets hurt."

"Why are you doing this?"

He cracked his knuckles and his feathers ruffled slightly. "Because I have to."

"Kookie, you don't, you really don--"

"Move. Aside." It was as if the true Jungkook and the changed one had mixed. He was angry and upset, fueled by his unreasonable drive to accomplish his mission. "Or I'll move you myself."

My knees quivered. "Try me."

He lunged forward like a snake, hands outstretched for my neck. I managed to dodge him, dizzy and startled by his sudden movement. When I recovered from my daze I saw that he had he had grasped Namjoon's neck instead and was now squeezing it tightly with both of his powerful hands.

Enraged, I barrelled towards Jungkook and shoved my entire body weight against him. He barely wavered under my weight and only growled in annoyance. He violently punched me in the stomach with his wing, sending me flying. I crumpled to the floor, my eyes watering.

Namjoon clawed at his arms, but it was no use. Each of his desperate chokes for air punctured my heart. Pain spread in angry sparks all over my stomach and nausea clouded my words.

"STOP!" I shouted as tears poured in messy waterfalls from my eyes. My ears rang from my own voice and my lungs heaved in the effort to scream. "PLEASE, STOP! PLEASE!"

Namjoon's gasps grew more rapid and his entire body trembled. Jungkook ignored my pleas and only squeezed tighter, his eyes narrowing. I shook with uncontrollable sobs. All I could do was look on helplessly as my best friend choked to death right in front of my eyes.

Blinded by tears, I didn't notice that Jungkook was crying, too.

Suddenly, Namjoon's whole body relaxed. He hung limply in the fingers that killed him, his hands fell away from Jungkook's arms. His struggle was silenced, his spark of life was extinguished.

I couldn't see his face through my veil of tears. Millions of thoughts ripped through my head, tearing at my sanity as I screamed. My voice climbed right out of my throat and spilled all over the floor. My cries were choking my heart and I dug my fingernails into my skin.

I screamed and screamed, unable to rise and land one final punch on Jungkook, as if that would bring Namjoon back to life. As if it would solve everything. As if it would reverse time and save Namjoon from the harm he never deserved. I clenched my fist helplessly, shaking like a leaf.

My throat collapsed along with my body. I lay on the floor, panting like a wounded dog. Bruises throbbed all around my body, blooming on my stomach and limbs. My face was drowning in a puddle of tears, my breaths were chopped up by mucus.

And all Jungkook did was watch. His winged shadow covered my entire body as he stood there, Namjoon's corpse slung over his shoulder. I looked up at him, hatred coating my vision in a hazy red.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," he said slowly, each word leaving his mouth a tattoo etching itself into the skin of my mind.

And with those last words, he left, his chocolate wings pulling him and his old friend underground.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I'm not dead! 

I apologize for the extremely long hiatus. My motivation and creativity is terrible, I know. 

For anyone who is still reading, thank you. I really appreciate your support <3

~ tumuchose

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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