Chapter 2:The Truth

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Chapter 2:

Loki grinned his plan had worked sending Thor and his little group off to Midgard and requesting Sif in his form as King.  He didn’t want any influences now that everything was falling into place. First Odin was taken care of he had played King, but soon the news came Loki would take over and the Bifrost would never open again. Thor himself rejected the crown his sites were at Midgardian affairs. Thor had fallen for a mortal maiden, which changed everything with Sif.  Deep down he was happy she was heartbroken when Thor rejected her. She deserved it for always following orders at least that was the lie he told himself to make the pain not so fresh of losing her.

He stared at her briefly in his lush library, her sitting on the floor leaning against his chair as she did when he was young the scene as if something from a forgotten memory when life was far more innocent, the scene was different now as they were adults she was curled up clutching one of his books weeping. Her chocolate brown hair framed her face; her hair in beautiful but in wild disarray he ignored the small cut on her forehead still fresh from battle her lip slightly swollen she was probably hit by a sword or fist. This angered him even more. “

Thor is useless letting a woman do his bidding” He thought to himself.

He always worried about her when she went to battle he tried to ignore it as they got older and she become stronger, yet the idea that something could happen always hung In the back of his mind.  Seeing the fair goddess sitting on the floor grieving her weakness consumed her and confused him.

What struck was why the usual stoic proud young woman was now in his study clutching and whimpering? She could not be truly mourning him?

Could the rumor and those long glances the sweet silence they both shared since children confirmed what he always wanted. He could never have her, because of Thor he threw her away he did not see the beauty nor strength and nobility the Goddess had. He didn’t want to see that tear stained face it hurt him to see her like that.  She had been his childhood friend for so long the only one who stood up for him when he was young the only who ever cared to what he was reading.  She would never be his though, Odin and her sow of a mother and Oaf of a father decided she would be fit to be Thor’s wife, he would be stuck with the petty goddess Sigyn they would never allow him one ounce of happiness his brother included the way he treated her, and tossed her to the side for some weak mortal. Deep down all he wanted was to grab her and take her in his arms and confess his love for her touch her sweet lips, but his darker side made sure to remember he was King and Sif has her purpose she will betray him like the rest.

 “You can never have her Loki.”

Her father’s last words to him before he died in battle he was happy to hear of his death but even that never brought the two together. These are fancy tales and complications that will destroy she is like the rest imprison her and forget her. His dark thoughts decided for him there was nothing more he could do 

He changed into his usual form his emerald eyes and his dark long hair a toothy coy smile he gave Sif. He would not play the fool she would be his prisoner and he would eventually take her powers and Shield. Make her an example if the Goddess of War can be forced to kneel and subdued so would everyone else in Asgard. He would make sure that everyone knew Thor had chosen Midgard over Asgard and the precious Goddess of the people would be nothing. Any memories of Thor would be erased even if that meant destroying the one he loved.

“False tears my dear Sif unbecoming for a the Goddess of War as I stated before!”

 He graced himself suavely looking bored and sat himself on the chair feeling very satisfied. 

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