Chapter 5:Hidden Truth

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Chapter 5: A hidden truth

Sif was out for several days. Loki had to move her to the healing halls where Eir the eldest healer of Asgard could have easier access to help her. The healer spent countless hours trying to revive the goddess. Between the abrupt change of being mortal and the damage she did to herself with the poison, and Loki’s magic to expel the poison her powers returned slowly. Sif was stronger and hardier then most women of Asgard yet all her strength could not keep her body from going into shock. Eir assured Loki she was in no real harm, yet her body would need time to heal she had been through much in a short time. 

“She should have awoken days ago! You have done nothing for her but pickle her in herbs!” 

Loki’s voice echoed angered and specific. The Healer annoyed him at how trivial she took everything with such patience he had no time. He wanted her to revive soon. Much had happened. Sigyn had disappeared and so did several guards now the Vanaheim had also been reported to coming soon. He wanted her at least awake before he had to go off to fight. Deep down he just wanted to know she would be all right and forgive him.

He knew better the War Goddess had been known for her temper. He didn’t care he deserved it by being foolish hiding himself from her. Petty jealousy kept her away from him this whole time. The fact she also felt the same confused him he wasn’t sure if he should be happy or upset.

“Forgive me sire but I told you before she is in no danger her body is just getting back to normal. If she was far worse I would have told you, no reason to lie to you.”

Eir sounded matter of fact as she set up curative seals over her to help her speed in recovery she stopped when she saw movement in the goddess. 

“Or she will wake up now? Just be gentle with her sire just because she awoke does not mean she is back in your charge. I will give you both time alone as I prepare some tea.”

The old woman left them in silence. Loki was quiet for once he didn’t have the words to tell her anything nor to beg forgiveness. He was just happy she was alive and could at least start over, if she would have him. The violence he caused her was truly unforgivable.

“Loki? Why did you help me? Have you truly taken Sigyn back as a wife?”

She looked at him weakly she seemed so beautiful even though she was recovering from poison her pale skin still shone and her eyes bright like stars he couldn’t take his eyes from her. He grasped her hand and gave her a gentle squeeze.

“I could never marry that pig again, she lied it was all trick a plot to have you killed Sif she wanted to be rid of her biggest rival-you.”

“I don’t believe in any rivalry of the heart. I feel this is all a huge trick and this is going to get me in the end.”

 Her voice was small she looked at him he could tell she felt humiliated and weak he truly broke the Goddess of War, deep down his darker side was happy yet something inside told him that wasn’t right how could he do this to the only woman who loved him besides his mother Frigga. Unlike Frigga she still had not seen him as a monster.

“Sif I am sorry I didn’t know about your feelings or that you shared them, deep down maybe I did. “

 His voice trailed off wishing to forget the way he treated her.

 “This is no trick believe what you wish, Lady Sif. I will let you rest you need to be alone I will have them move you to your quarters as soon as Eir says so.”

He pursed his lips he didn’t feel like talking about this both were proud and would deny any weakness he felt a tug on his wrist. It was Sif’s touch she looked at him and without a word he knew she felt the same way as he did. They both were in love and no matter how they fought the fight it would be in vain.

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