Chapter 4:Violence of The Heart

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Violence of the Heart

“Get out you whore I am in no mood for you?” Is your new conquest not satisfying enough?”

Loki was in a dark place his ex-wife visiting was not in the plan she had left him and Odin allowed the marriage to be upturned through her infidelity. Loki never fully cared for the marriage it was an ends to a mean nothing more.

“But you are King now and you will need to sire children and I know how much the War Goddess used to hurt you with her obvious flirtations with Thor, I am just here to tell you I will be true and wish to see you court me once again?”

She smiled as she approached him gracing her nimble fingers to his shoulders; she was all the more shocked when he pushed her away. 

“Get out of my site you whore, you think by a sweet little moment I would take you back? You humiliated me and lucky by Odin I didn’t strangle you in front of the council. Don’t worry about my affairs as King and anyone I sire..” His voice cold and bitter as cold as his heart and maddening thoughts.

Never bring up the War Goddess again from those filthy lips of yours. “

He tossed her some coin.

“Here you slut use that to go find a chastity belt for your next husband for they will need it. “ 

He used his magic teleporting her outside the palace leaving her disgraced and disgusted.

“Loki I will be Queen of Asgard and none shall get in my way!” 

Days went by Loki had forgotten about the visit of Sigyn and any mischief she was causing he had worked hard with his magic and was starting to gain the favor of the people. His silver-tongued worked its purpose his skill and knowledge of combat and strategy proved useful since there had been word of the Vanaheim Hyboria were strategizing an attack now that Odin was gone.

Loki loved that just what he needed a war to prove himself to the people and show his power he would take over the Hyboria and soon the nine realms. As he sat in the war council he noticed the chair empty where the place of the War Goddess used to sit.

Her family crest gilded the long chair she once sat in no one dared speak of her for anger in the King. Loki used his magic to appear before her more to check on her then anything. She would not look at him but sat in a corner and refused all food and water no matter how hard the guards begged.

All that would come out of her mouth was insults; Loki could not bare it so he decided he would be done with this. He had far more important things to worry about then the goddess. He knew in her mortal state she could last long without food or water. His mind wondered till it was brought back to his attention that the Lady Sigyn had been visiting the goddess.

He masked his anger in front of the council after they agreed the attack and would send the Shield Maidens out as scouts and everyone felt satisfied he retired to his chambers. 

If Sigyn is visiting her for what reason he thought they never liked each other she was older first then Sif and was raised in the court ways. Sif was a tomboy she liked sword fighting and reading about strategy over learning instruments and braiding each other’s hair. 

He decided he would put Sif in an eternal sleep this would keep him happy maybe after a century and she saw what he had done she would learn to love him. First he had to deal with this war and put an end to ex-wife and her treachery he did not want rebellion. The one thing himself and Sigyn ever had in common was their gift of words. She was persuasive she will cause a rebellion with the goddess poison her and strike. His paranoia only got worse. 

War and Frost meet: I alone know.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon