Akward interview

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I made my way to the door and knocked it thrice. " Come in" I heard a voice which was eerily familiar. I brushed it off.

I twist the knob and my eyes fell on a man sitting with his Armani suit on. He lifted his eyes to meet mine. I froze for a moment when I recognised the familiar face.

Omg! Can this day get any worse?.

It was the same guy from the mall. Is he the CEO of Ranawat & Co, Mr Rahul Singh Ranawat? I just can't register that fact in my damn brain. No wonder he is so pompous and acts like a jerk. Well, I don't give a damn about it. After all, he is Mr Jerk. There goes my first impression. I mentally hit my forehead with my palm.

Forget about the interview he is probably gonna ask me to get the hell out of his office. Wait, maybe he could have forgotten my face, ok I am just gonna try my luck.

Although I really wanted to punch his face badly, I pretended as if I didn't recognise him and composed myself and greeted him.

"Good morning Mr Ranawat" I greeted him.

" Take your seat," he said coldly and he signalled me to sit opposite him. Jerk! He didn't even had the manners to greet me back. Anyways it was expected.

" Give me your certificates" I gave him my file and he went through my resume.

" Miss Diya Sharma"

" 23 years old"

" Graduated from St. Victoria with excellent results"

" Hmmm..I can see that you are quite enthusiastic in working for our company. Usually, we don't appoint temporary staffs in our company but since my PA took a personal holiday for 4 months, we are searching for a temporary PA and I am sure that you are aware of it" he said while smirking at me.

Oh...! I am so desperate to punch his face right now.

" Yes Mr Ranawat, I am aware of it. I am also looking for a temporary job as well." I said looking confident.

" So, Ms Sharma, why do you think that I should offer you this job?" he asked me quirking his left eyebrow.

" Sir, I am sure that I am qualified to be your PA and I am usually very attentive when it's about getting tasks completed. But Sir, it's up to you to decide whether I am fit for this job or not." I said while looking at him.

He was looking at me without blinking. I don't know what got into him, maybe he is thinking of the ways to insult and reject me for the position. Even if that happens it's expected. I sighed mentally. Or is he trying to take revenge from me for behaving like a maniac at the mall?

But he deserves it for judging me as one of his flings.

Not to forget he was the reason why I got bruises last night and because of that I had to bear Khushi's lectures about road safety this morning. I cursed him and huffed mentally while thinking about it.

But I don't think so he remembered me because he hasn't brought up the topic about our first encounter.

Lucky me!

He snapped out of his daze after hearing my fake cough. " Ms Sharma how much salary would you expect from this job if you are appointed? " he asks me with a smirk on his face.

I really hate that smirk.

" Mr Ranawat, you can decide how much you would want to pay me after noticing my work. I won't have any complaints about the salary, 'if' I get appointed." I said looking at my certificate.

"Okay, you are appointed Ms Sharma"

" Its ok Mr Ranawat, it was a pleasure meeting yo.." I didn't complete my sentence as reality hit me. To tell that I was shocked was an understatement.

As usual, he had I smirk on his face after seeing the expression on my face. He must have figured out that I didn't expect that I would get appointed.

I was speechless. Shocked. Confused. Happy. I don't know how to express my emotion at that moment, so I just had a blank expression.

" Uhm...Thank you for offering me the job Mr Ranawat" I said with an awkward smile.

" Be here sharply around 9.00 a.m tomorrow. It was nice meeting you Ms Sharma," he said while getting up from his seat.

I gave him a nod and stood up from my chair and went to reach the doorknob. God, I really wanna get away from here as soon as I could.

While I was twisting the knob I heard his voice again. " By the way, you looked good with the beanie yesterday," he said with a chuckle.


That means he still remembers me and he is making it clear by telling me this.

Smart move.

I was a bit scared after hearing that but I didn't show any expression, I maintained my blank expression. I just nod at what he said and left his office as quick as I could.

God, I have no idea how am I gonna bare him as my boss for 4 months.

After exiting his office, I let go a heavy breath which I didn't realise that I was holding until now.

Damn! That was one hell of an interview.

Rahul's POV's

After spending the night celebrating my mom's birthday with my family, I head back home, took a shower and went to bed.

While sleeping my mom's words kept ringing in my mind. I brushed it off and went to sleep.


In the morning I woke up to my alarm, Believer and quickly got myself ready for office. I skipped my breakfast and headed office with my driver.

Then I remembered that my morning schedule was allocated for me to interview those who are here for my vacant PA pose. How could I forget about it? I cursed myself. Things were going smooth when I had Mary, my PA but now she's on a personal holiday.

Hope I get to appoint a PA today after the interview. While thinking that I entered the elevator and it hit the 30th floor.

Now I was in my office and the women that came to attend the interview entered my office one by one. From their looks, I can see that they were nowhere near to even imagine my PA pose.

I am very strict when it comes to working. Those women kept hitting on me during the whole interview session. Even though I did like the attention that I get from women, this was something very annoying. I can't imagine those girls disturbing me during my work.

I got so pissed with them. They were just using their looks to get the job not using their qualification.

Then suddenly I heard a knock on the door, thinking that its gonna be another flirting session, I asked her to come in.

When I met the deep blue eyes, I was stunned for a moment it was her....the Angry bird. How could I forget those dagger shotting eyes filled with fury?


Rest of the chapters are published on Webnovel. If liked the story so far do support me on Webnovel. Thank you. http://wbnv.in/a/ecg372J

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