CHAPTER ONE - Meet Marilyn

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"You're the only girl for me, Renée." Shaun whispered, ruffling my dirty blonde hair. I muttered something that not even I could understand. I was ecstatic, he chose me. Sipping my Piña Colada, I gazed into his eyes. Slowly his lips pressed against mine. Oh, the butterflies I felt; my stomach flipped upside down. I wouldn't rather be anywhere else.

But I blew it, I rapidly repelled myself. "I'm sorry." I babbled like I had a lump in my throat. I couldn't face the heartbreak that was to come. I spit it it out, "I'm not really Renée, I'm Marilyn. I don't live in Georgia. I live in a small town in Nevada. No, it's not near Las Vegas. I'm not really anything I said I was either." It hurt but I was relived. "WAIT!" "WAIT!" I heard distant cries in the background.


Just a holiday romance I told myself, as I flicked through Seventeen. Renée, from Georgia, model. It made me laugh now. Reality was Mari(lyn), small town Nevada and a coffee barista.

Oh. I almost forgot. Ooops. Late again. I got in my car and sped to my work - Starbucks Coffee.

"Mari!" Sara snapped. This was my control freak boss, total bitch and thinks she's perfect (probably because she is!) I didn't reply because I knew what was coming. "My

office, NOW." I saw a look of delight in her eyes. Rico gave a cheeky grin and my heart melted.


It was a blur. F-I-R-E-D. I was half glad, no honestly! But Rico. He was like my romeo. *sigh* Oh well. A knight in shining armour. I strutted out and screamed, "GOOD RIDDANCE!"

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