CHAPTER 4 - Spotted

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I awoke the next morning to a slight summer breeze. "Los Angeles, baby!" I whispered in a loud kinda way. I opened my curtains to see a buzzing city before me. "Well this sure ain't like Whestonia!" I exclaimed to myself. Yes. How sad. Talking to myself!

I decided today was the day. I would discover LA, walk round town and the Kardashisans would adopt me. Something along those lines. Maybe I should practise acting and some director would cast me?!


Ok, so I got laughed at. At lot. Guess I'm not the best Angelina Jolie... Some stick thin girls were gossiping about me, "Who does she think she is?!" I just couldn't be a laughing stock. I've blew everything, I ran round the block and sat on the stairs of a rather tall, glass skyscraper. I buried my head into my warm knees and cried. Why?! I may as well work in McDonalds.

Suddenly I heard a soft whisper, "Hey, you okay?!" I looked up immediately. There I saw a man, in his 20s wearing a black suit. Why's a pretty girl like you crying? Wait," he paused for minute, "Could you come inside?!" I hesitated then looked up : 'Clear Models Inc.' my big break?! A model... So boring.... Take it or leave it, Marilyn... I went inside anyway.

Inside everything was a glossy white with a huge fountain in the middle - not the sort of fountain you would throw coins in at the mall. I saw a receptionist, with extremely piercing eyes, she looked straight through me. She twirled her glossy jet black hair, "Oh Tom!" She pouted and batted her eyelids, "Who's this wreck you've brought in?" She looked me up and down like I was some kind of dirt. I spoke out shakily, "Nice to see you too. I'm Marilyn." Tom took over from there, "I'd like her to see Fiona." He said Fiona like she was top of the highrarky.

Tom took me up the elevator. "Let me explain. Fiona is the boss here. I want you to be one of our models. You need to meet her..." He explained. I still didn't say anything. Surreal.

We reached the top floor, I saw a door, which said 'Fiona De La Bréyton', Tom opened it. Inside I saw a woman wearing silky black gloves, a figure hugging black lace just-above-knee dress, shiny trés chic killer heels and it was all topped off with a diamond necklace. Her her was neatly styled in a bun higher than the Empire State! She looked quite young and a pristine clean perfectionist.

Tom's confidence had gone, "Errrr. Miss De La Bréyton-"

"Knock before entering Mr. Holmes." She interrupted sharply.

"This is...." He turned to me.

"Marilyn, Marilyn M-h-Monroe..." I stuttered. WHAT HAD I JUST DONE.

"Your 'model' seems like a fraud!" She snapped.

"Hudson. I meant... Sorry Miss. I'm sor-" I was interrupted.

"Please, I'd prefer you to call me Fiona." She said sarcastically, "Miss De La Bréyton. This is business..." Tom shot me a 'I'm sorry' look. Fiona or should I say Miss De La Blah De Blah eyed me up and down like a predator eyeing up its prey. After a long awkward moment she smiled and sent me out to the corridor. What did this mean?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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