Boys,lesbians,babies and broadway

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PARINGS: faberry,finchel,fabson

AUTHORS NOTE:I hope you guys love this its a short mini cute(i hope you think its cute) faberry one shot packed with alot of drama P.S it started from funereal


I stared longingly at Rachel from across glee club "sigh" i honestly didn't even want to be with Finn,I just wanted her to feel the heartbreak she caused me

and Know i made a mess of things.I grabbed my things and headed for the door "Hey Quinn what's wrong" i heard Finn say curiously.

"Finn" I started,"This isn't working" "What do you mean this isn't working, I forgave all your bullshit"I heard Finn say angrily

"Because I'm a lesbian" I retorted heatedly, for a moment Finn looked honestly confused "how could you be a lesbian we slept together" he said gobsmacked

"I'm sorry Finn, but i am" and with that I headed home.

"Hello honey how was school today" I heard my mom say "the usual" i responded boredly, and with that i trekked upstairs.

I layed in bed wondering how I got so smitten,before i felt i owed it to Rachel to tell her that I love her 'yes I will tell her' I thought to myself firmly.

I didn't know what i was doing my legs were moving themselves to the Berry home,when suddenly I found myself ringing the doorbell 'this is the moment'

i thought to my self."Hey Kur-" Rachel said "Oh hi Quinn what a surprise" she said before ushering me inside.

"Rachel I'm not gonna beat around the bush" i said firmly,she looked surprised "I love you" I said, "But, but how about Fin-" she mumbled effortlessly

"shhhh shh Rachel it was always about you" Rachel looked into Quinn's eyes shining with love" about me"she asked "yes about you" i responded to her

"Quinn i love you too" she said happily,suddenly a big grin i couldn't stop if i tried split my lips.I pulled her into a heated kiss, which we had to break

because of lack of air "but how about Finn what will we tell him,everyo-" she said urgently "shhh Rachel our relationship is about us".


Rachel got into NYADA, while Quinn went to Yale they visited each other when they could, Rachel dropped out of NYADA to successfully become a broadway

and T.V star,while Quinn went on to become a state attorney they lived happy lives together in New York 10 years after high school it was announced gay couples could have children on their own Rachel cried tears of joy as Quinn rubbed Rachel's stomach lovingly

9 months later normal P.O.V

Rachel was rehearsing funny girl as usual Quinn had a break and was keeping a close eye on her."La Doo Dee-AAAAH,my water broke" and with all her strength Quinn carried Rachel to the car and well you can imagine the rest they had a baby boy names Will Fabray


AUTHORS NOTE:I know the ending got sloppy and it was short but this is only my second fic so please bear with me I'm sorry for rushing things but i just got so much ideas well I'm rambling so see you next time!

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