Y/n and Hoseok

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~A week later~


My father was away for a few days so I was able to run into the forest and go see the boys. Once I got to the cabin I knocked on the door to see if they were home. The door opened and it was Hoseok.

"Oh hello Princess." He said.

"Hi Hoseok I was just coming by to see you boys are home."

"It's just me today everyone else is training with the younger brothers to be ready for anything." Hoseok said.

"Oh well may I come in then?"

"You may." He said.

He moved out of the way of the door to let me. I go inside to see everything was changed.

"Wow you boys actually made this place like home didn't you."

"Yeah we did." Hoseok said.

I walked over to the bookshelf and picked up a book.

"Oh so you know that book do you?" Hoseok said.

I turned around to see Hoseok in front of me. I felt my cheeks burning up. He was really close to me. Ahh this is too close. I'm going to die here in front of this handsome man.

"Yeah I do. My mother use to read this to me before she passed away."

"Oh that's sad I'm sorry about your mother." Hoseok said.

"It's ok it was just because of an outbreak that spread and she caught it."

"I remember that day." He said.

"I caught it too. I survived but she didn't." I said with a sniff.

I didn't even know I was already crying. I miss her. Then I felt two strong arms wrap around me. Then a hand on my head rubbing my hair.

"It's ok Y/n. I'm here for you." Hoseok said.

I hugged him back. I cried into his chest. I felt my eyes feeling heavy. I let my eyes slide close. He felt so warm. He's so comfortable. I slowly fell asleep in his arms.

Hoseok POV

I wrapped my arms around Y/n. She was so small but cute at the same time. I rubbed her hair and told.

"It's ok Y/n I'm here for you."

She cried even harder. She cried into my chest. I felt her go heavy. I looked to see her asleep in my arms. She always so beautiful. I lifted her bridal style and carried her into my room and laid her down. I covered her with a blanket. I sat at the end of the bed to see if she would wake up but she didn't. I got up and head to the kitchen and made some food. Then the door open.

"Hey Hoseok what are you making?" Taehyung asked.

"Shhh be quiet Y/n is sleeping."

"Oh I'm sorry but still what are you making?" He asked.

"I'm making some eggs ok."

"Oh ok well I'm going on my room." Taehyung said.

"Don't slam your door." I told him.

"Ok I won't." He said.

I continued to cool when I saw Y/n walking up to me. She came behind me and hugged me.

"You left me. I'm scared when your not around." Y/n said.

When I turned around she was still sleeping. Then what I thought was that she was sleep walking in which she is.

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