Meeting Charlotte

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My stomach ties itself into knots and I imagine that I look like the typical new kid. Quivering, books clutched in one hand, a map in the other. Thankfully one of the teachers at the front desk had directed  another student to show me to my first class.

As my fellow student, who had introduced himself as Sam, lead me down the corridors, I see girls giggling and ducking behind their hands. Of course my mind jumps to conclusions and I imagine they are whispering about me, already judging and spreading rumours. I self-consciously straighten my shirt and run my fingers through my hair.

Up ahead Sam stops outside a door and turns to let me catch up. "English, room 37", he says as I get closer. " I've got to get my books , but I'll be back" Sam says turning away. "Save me a seat" he flashes a grin over his shoulder. I feel myself grin back and a warm glow spreads itself across my stomach, easing the nerves. Maybe this day wasn't going to be so bad after all.
I head inside and dump my back on a seat, parking my ass on the chair beside it.
A minute later Sam is pushing his way back through the door and taking the spot next to me.
Again he shows that dazzling grin. "Dude, I never caught your name" he says.
"Oh," I flush, slightly embarrassed, "I'm Jake".
Sam lightly punches me on the shoulder "bro we are gonna be this close" he holds up a hand, two fingers crossed. I smile back.

At that moment the door opens again. The quiet chattering from the rest of the class goes dead quiet. I can feel all eyes turn to the figure who has entered, male and female alike.
I give her a quick once over before focusing on her face. Her boots are so ratty they're practically held together by the laces and her threadbare jeans are about 3cm too short, but apart from that she is easily the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
She keeps her eyes downcast and her shoulders hunched, but I can tell her eyes are either green or hazel and her auburn hair looks silky despite its ragged cut.
She heads straight to the back of the room, not making eye contact with anyone, and plonking down at the furthest desk. I avert my gaze, not wanting to be caught staring and the hubbub of chatter slowly returns to normal.
"Who's that?" I ask turning back to Sam.
"Good to see you can recognise the prettiest girl in the school, that's Charlotte" he tells me.
I steal another glance over my shoulder. She really is exquisite.
Sam brushes my arm. "Don't bother chasing her, mate. She's got about 50 suitors, and she's not interested in anyone. Pricklier than a porcupine that one".

Even with Sam's warning, I couldn't concentrate all English and I still had her name bouncing around my head as I left for period two.

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