New gang

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I meet up with Sam again in period 3 and we head out for lunch together. He leads me to the cafeteria where his friends usually hang out.

Most of the gang is already there and he introduces me. I am told everyone's names, and I just as quickly forget them, but there is 4 other boys and a pretty girl who turns out to be Sam's girlfriend. They instantly make me feel at home, chatting about their weekends and complaining about the teacher they just had and what homework he has set.

Sam's girlfriend turns toward me. "I'm Emmylou" she says, "but everyone just calls me Em." She rest her chin on a fist, her dark hair shifting around her face. "where'd you come from before crawling into this hellhole we call Louisiana."

"oh" I wave my hand vaguely "up in Mississippi for a while, but in Florida before that." Stick to the script Jake I tell myself, you cant afford to stuff up again. "hmmm, a lot of travelling then?" Emmylou asks, "you should tell me all about it"

"Eh? Ah well..." I stutter. Get a grip Jake, first good looking girl to come along at your already tongue-tied. Thankfully Sam comes to my rescue, leaning in front of Emmylou. "don't encourage her Jake, she pesters me enough about travelling as it is." "right" I say, but turning back to Emmylou I add, "its beautiful, really beautif" I trail off as the caf door swings open and Charlotte pushes through. Her hair is slightly damp from the rain outside and her eyes stay fixed on the floor.

The guys all turn to watch and a few call her name, but she pays them no attention. I watch as she lines up to buy food, my eyes fixed on her perfect face. I feel something brush my arm, but pay it no heed. I break my stare as something lightly slaps my cheek.

I look up at Sam who is leaning over me, waving his hand in front of my face. "hello? Anyone there?" he is saying. "bro come on, don't fall for her, she's a lost cause." One of the other boys across the table, who I think is named Tom, adds. "Mate she is hot as f***k, but she ain't worth it." Another voice jumps in, Noah I think, "she don't want nothing to do with us, just admire her from a distance." Emmylou covers my hand with hers and I catch Sam's slightly jealous glance. Still a relatively new couple then.

"Jake" she is saying, "heaps of guys go after her, but she's not interested. They all just end up with their hearts broken. She's not interested in friends either." She says the last part a bit sadly and I wonder if she knows from experience.

Still, despite their warnings I feel drawn to the copper-haired girl and watch sidelong as Charlotte exists the cafeteria. The noise of chatter slowly filters but, and the conversation around the table quickly changes topic, but my ears feel like they are filled with cotton wool and the noise around me is muffled. My head spins with Emmylou's words.

What is Charlotte hiding I wonder, why does she push everyone away. And as the bell rings for fourth period, I resolve to find out what dark secrets hide behind those depthless hazel eyes.

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