First day

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S : mija time for school!
A : okay mama

She puts on her uniform and grabs her backpack. She runs down the stairs and eats her breakfast

S : are you excited
A : very

They climb into sylvanna s car

Ten minutes later

Sylvanna pulls up at he school

S ; I will see you when you get home mija
A : see you later ma

She jumps out fo the car and walks through the gates

A : first day of highschool

Someone bumps into her and she falls and scraps her knees

? : watch where your going potato

They guy walks off

A : seriously I just walked in

She walks into the building and heads to the nurses office

N : hello dear my what happened
A : I fell outside
N : have a seat I'll wrap you up

The nurse wraps her knees up

A : thanks ms
? : zoey
A : thanks zoey

She walks into the hall

A : okay I can do this

The bell rings

A : okay first I have math shouldn't be too hard to find

After about ten minutes she slides down against a locker

A : I'm late and I'm lost
? : can I help you cutie
A : huh

She turns around to see a boy with brown hair and blue eyes

A : yeah I don't know where I'm going
? : well I'm laurence let me see your schedule
A : thanks Laurence
L : oh follow me

He leads her down the hall

L : this is your class
A : seriously I passed by this like four times
L : well here you are and by the way that skirt looks really good on you
A : o-oh

She walks inside and everyone looks at her

A : h-hi I'm aphmau
T : ah class this is our new student have a seat next to garroth

She sees a boy raise his hand

? : hello I'm garroth
A : aphmau
G : well I hope we can be friends
A : sure

After class

G : how about you sit with me and my friends today
A : okay I'll see you at lunch

At lunch

G : aphmau over here
A : hey guys oh Laurence
L : hey aphmau
G : ah I see you met Laurence
A : yeah
L : oh we met alright
G : Laurence
L : come on sit next to me aphmau
G : no she's sitting next to me
? : will both of you shut up she's gonna sit with us

Aph is pulled into a seat between a girl with blue hair and a girl with fed hair

K : don't mind those idiots I'm Katelyn
N : I'm Nicole
C : cadenza
Kc : I'm kawaii - Chan
A : I'm aphmau
Kc : aphmau senpai is really pretty
A : oh thanks kc
K : so your one of the new freshman
A : yeah
K : don't feel bad kc is a freshman too
C : I'm a senior
K : Nicole and I are juniors
A : well you girls seem nice wanna be friends
K : of course
N : just watch out for that guy who bumped into you this morning he is big trouble
A : yeah he made me scrape me knees
K : that's Aaron he's a senior and he gets into fights all the time
A : I'll be sure to watch out for him

Last class

She walks into the werewolf classroom

A : can't believe mom put me in this class but I guess me always hiding my ears and tail I'll need to know this
T : have a seat class

She sees the only open seat is next to Aaron. She sits down

Aa : I'm not sitting next to this potato!
A : news flash don't wanna sit next to you either bud!

They both sit down and turn away from each other. Aaron peeks a few looks at her and ends up staring at her. She notices

A : quit staring at me!
Aa : I wasn't!
A : yes you are
T : aphmau Aaron sit down
A : whatever

After class

Aa : potato
A : stop calling me that!

She walks out of the gates and heads towards home. She notices Aaron following about ten feet behind her

A : and now he's following me

She steps up to her house and sees him walk into the house next door

A : there is no way!
S : mija are you okay
A : no
S : what happened
A : this guy was being mean to me today and guess what he lives next door
S : oh mija I'm so sorry
A : it's okay as long as he doesn't do anything

They hear a knock on the door. Aph opens it to fond Aaron

Aa : my mom asked me to
A : what are you doing here
Aa : potato!
A : stop calling me that!
Aa : my mom wanted me to bring the new neighbors something
A : mom grab this from him I do t wanna touch it

She walks away

Aa : stupid potato
S : I'm sorry about her
Aa : it's okay ma'am I brought brownies
S : oh thank you oh and one more thing

She bends down next to him

S : if I hear you made fun of my daughter again your done for boy
Aa : y-yes ma'am

Aaron walks away slightly scared

S : I think I solved that he won't make fun of you again
A : good
S : so make any friends better not be any boys
A : I actually met some really nice girls and we became friends
S : so about werewolf class
A : I understand I can't show my ears and tail
S : actually if you want to you can since you can control them now
A : thanks ma

She hugs her

A : hang on

She pops her ears and tail out they are white with purple tips and purple speaks in them

S : your ears and tail are beatiful mija
A : thanks ma

She runs up to her room to see Aaron looking through the window. His eyes widen when he sees her ears and tail. He disappears from the window

Aaron's POV

Aa : mom dad
D : what's up son
Aa : the new neighbors daughter is a werewolf that hides her ears and tail just like me
D : son you have to learn to control your eyes
Aa : well once I do could I let mine out like her
R : well see honey go do your homework

He runs back up to his room and sees aph dancing through the window

Aphs POV

I decided to dance cause I was bored I put on my purple cat ear headphone and turned on my favorite song and started dancing.

She starts to feel like someone is watching her and she sees Aaron. She glares at him and closes her curtains

A : always staring

The next day

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