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Aph wakes up to a noise downstairs

A : moms not here

She reaches for her phone

A : darnit I left it downstairs

She sneaks down stairs and sees someone in the living room. They walk into the kitchen and she grabs her phone. She is thrown to the wall. She feels a strong grip on her leg and around her throat

L : your so beautiful I can't wait to take you away

He breaks her knee and she screams

A : s-stop it!
L : I can't do that

He knocks her out and goes to grab her. He hears the door open

L : shit

He farts out the window as Aaron and his father walk in

Aa : I heard her scream dad
D : I'll look upstairs

Aaron walks into the hallway

Aa : aphmau!

He gets down next to her and checks her pulse

Aa : dad I found her

He carefully picks her up

Aa : her knee is broken and he shoulder in bleeding
D : come on we have to get her to the hospital
Aa : someone broke in and did this

They get her to the hospital

A few hours later

Aph opens her eyes and sits up

A : don't! Huh

Derek walks into the room

D : your awake
A : what happened
D : Aaron heard you scream we came over and you were against a walll unconscious you were bleeding badly in your shoulder and knee and your knee is broken
A : did someone call my mom
D : yes she said she would be home as soon as possible
A : where's Aaron
Aa : babe!

Aaron walks into the room with a bag

Aa : I brought you some clothes for when you get released I. Two days
A : it was Laurence
Aa : what
A : his eyes were red he said I can wait to take you away he was gonna kidnap me Aaron
Aa : do t worry I won't let him hurt you ever again

Sylvanna rushes into the room

S : mija
A : mama
S : I'll kill whoever did this
A : it was a boy named Laurence he's out to get me because I'm aarons girlfriend not his
S : that's just not right
Aa : we will need to work out a way to keep her safe ma'am now that Laurence knows where she lives
D : of need be we can have some of the pack guard the house
Aa : we can give a description of Laurence too then and set up a perimeter around the neighborhood
A : that's really nice you guys
S : thank you Derek
D : hey it's okay sylvanna your a good friend I'd do anything to keep you and your daughter safe especially since her my sons mate
S : okay so you guys will have a perimeter around the house
D : yes and at any song of Laurence ewe will all be informed

A week later

Aph is sleeping in her bed when she hears a howl

A : Laurence

Someone opens her window and comes through

A : not this time

She sneaks up behind them and jumps on the back

L : get off me you little brat
A : get out of my house!

Laurence flips her off him and pins her to the floor

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