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The next day

Aph walks into the gates and heads over to meet with her friends. She has her ears and tail hidden

K : hey aphmau
A : hey girls
K : so how was the rest of your day yesterday
A : well I had to sit next to Aaron in werewolf class then I found out we are neighbors and he called me a potato every time he saw me
K : sounds terrible
A : yeah but I still had a good day say do you girls wanna come hang out with me at my house after school we could have a sleepover since It's Friday
K : yeah sounds good
C : I'll come
N : me too
Kc : sure aphmau senpai

At lunch

Aph walks into the lunch room and is pushed to a wall

Aa : you know for me to have been nice you were really rude to me yesterday
A : I was rude let me go!
Aa : no I need to talk to you
A : let me go!
Aa : I know your a werewolf
A : so what let go of me!
Aa : just be quiet

She locks him and he falls to the floor

A : keep your hands off me!

She notices the entire cafetirea looking at her. She walks over to her table

K : you are a werewolf
A : no!

She runs out fo the lucnhroom and into the bathroom

A : darnit he made me mad so my ears and tail came out

Werewolf class

Aaron walks into the room and sits in his seat

Aa : why don't you just take off your costume already
A : what costume
Aa : your just pretending to get people to notice you
A : wait what are you

He grabs her tail and she blushes. He grabs her ears and she pushes him onto the floor

A : what in Irene's name gives you the right to touch me!
Aa : I thought they were fake!
A : well they aren't
Aa : how was I supposed to know that
A : you ask like a normal person
T : class take your seats today we will be learning about ultima s in every generation of werewolves there are two ultima s one male one female

Both of them start to get nervous thinking about the same thing

T : as of now we don't k ow who the ultima s are but they are very dangerous

After school

A : get away from me Aaron
Aa : you shpuld have said something

She stands in front of her house arguing with him

A : you shouldn't have touched me!
Aa : I said I was sorry!
A : sorry isn't what you should say!

Sylvanna opens the door

S : what is going on out here!
A : he kept touching me
Aa : I said I was sorry
S : lay another hand on my daughter and you won't live to see tomorow
Aa : you k so what I'm going to talk to my parents about this

Aph and sylvanna go into the house

S : what happened
A : he grabbed my ears and tail
S : that's just rude
A : I know right!
S : well how was your second day
A : it's fine I think I'm just gonna go to sleep

She runs upstairs and pulls out her phone

S : hey fc
Fc : shu hey
S : some jerk grabbed my ears today
Fc : sounds bad
S : and to make it worse he wouldn't stop touching me
Fc : sounds like a jerk
S : have you ever wondered what I look like
Fc : yeah I do everyday
S : have you ever wanted to meet me
Fc : all the time
S : wouldn't it be funny if we lived in the same town

Aph looks out her window to see Aaron laying on his bed texting someone. He looks at her and notices her phone

S : my neighbor is a jerk
Fc : mine too she's really rude
S : I've been wondering what school do you go to
Fc : Phoenix drop high
S : your kidding!
Fc : no
S : I go there too
Fc : so we could actually meet up
S : I don't know what of your not the fc I k ow on real life
Fc : I promise I'm not meet me in the music room tomorow at lunch
S : I'll be there

The next day

G : why are you so excited
A : t get to meet my online friend today
G : oh is it a boy
A : yeah
G : well I had a question for you
A : yes garroth
G : uh I was wondering

Laurence walks up to them

L : aphmau hey wanna go see a movie with me tonight
A : oh sure Laurence
G : I was actually gonna ask that
A : we can all go
L : great

Laurence and garroth glare at each other

G : guess what guys
T : what
L : garroth and I are going to a movie with aphmau tonight
D : no way dude
T : man she's so pretty
D : your both gonna fail giving me a chance to get with all that
G : Dante

At lunch

A : okay it's time

Aph steps into the music room.

A : fc
? : shu is that you
A : can I see you

A practice room door opens and Aaron steps out

Aa + A : YOU!
A : I knew you were too good to be true
Aa : wait shu

Aph runs out of the room and out of the school

A : I can't believe Aaron is fc

Aaron's POV

Aa : aphmau is shu that's impossible I've been so mean to her

Aphs POV

A : I'm just gonna go home

She walks into her house

S : mija your home early why are you crying
A : remember that friend I had
S : the online one fc
A : yes today I meet him he's that mean boy who lives next door
S : oh I'm so sorry mija
A : I knew it was too good to be true

She picks up her phoen

Fc : shu please
Fc : I need to talk to you
Fc : please I'm so sorry I was mean to you
Fc : I was just lonely you were my only friend
Fc : I like no I love you shu

She puts her phone down

A : he loves me I can't get distracted I have to get ready for tonight

She gets dressed and wears (her outfit from pheonix drop high)

A : this looks good
S : oh mija two boys are here for you
A : Th als mom I'll see you later

She walks out to see Aaron in his front yard. Garroth and Laurence link arms with her and they walk off

A : so what movies are we gonna see
G : well what movie do you wanna see
A : I wanna see the new slender man movie
L : it's really scary
A : I can handle it

After the movie

A : I'm so scared

Her phone beeps

Fc : I understand you don't wanna hang out with me because I was mean I'm so sorry if I had known who you were I wouldn't have done it but you were my only friend and now I'm alone again I'll see you at school I hope

She puts her phone down

A : you guys I gotta go my mom wants me home
G : see you at school aphmau

They each kiss her one the check and she runs out. She gets back home and runs into the lycans yard. She knocks on the door

D : oh hello there
A : is Aaron here
D : he's in his room second door on the right
A : thanks you

She runs upstairs

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