Chapter Two

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After we ate, Niall and I sat down on the couch to watch Love Actually. We do this every night. I appreciate Niall for always watching it even though he seems to hate it after watching it everyday for the past two years.

"So. Harry. Have you made any progress today?" Asked Niall. I could tell Niall was trying to approach this subject with caution.

"No. I will never get better Niall. I'm sorry. It's not possible. We're watching the same god damn movie we've watched everyday for the past two years! I'm sorry Niall." I frown.

Niall gets up and opens the DVD player. "Okay, how about we try a different movie then." He takes out Love Actually and puts in Forest Gump.

"NIALL! No! Please don't! I haven't seen this movie before!" I jump up out of my seat and get into Niall's face. Niall puts his hand on my arms and starts stroking them to get me to calm down.

"Calm down Harry! Please just sit down. You have to try. Please. For me?"

I look into his deep blue eyes and loosen up. I look down at my feet and let him lead me to the couch. Niall rummages through my backpack that I seem to always bring everywhere to find my pills. I have a prescription of Xanax for whenever i'm about to have an anxiety attack. Niall takes a pill out of the container and hands me the pill to swallow. I take it from Niall, close my eyes, and swallow it dry. Niall looks at me with a worried look. I look over at him trying to give him a reassuring smile. Niall takes me hand rubbing circles right above my thumb. The medication kicks in quickly slowing down my breathing till its back to normal.

"I'm sorry Harry. It's gonna be ok. I'm not doing this to torture you. You will get better, I promise you. It wasn't your fault. You don't have to have everything be the same everyday because you're afraid something will happen again. What happened was tragic, and twisted. You couldn't have stopped it. It wasn't your fault. I'm trying to help you."

"I'm sorry Niall." I say weakly. I feel like crying. I look up at Niall and it looks like he's about to cry too. I feel so guilty.

It stays quiet for what seems like hours until Niall breaks the silence.

"Come on. Give the movie a try!"

I roll my eyes and concentrate on my breathing. I can see out of the corner of my eye that Niall looks proud of himself for trying to help. I hold in a giggle and press play. I then try to watch the movie. Emphasis on "try".


The movie was good. I'm not gonna lie. I admit I cried. I guess i'm actually proud of myself for actually trying to watch the movie. I look over to see Niall asleep. I roll my eyes, put a blanket on him, go take my depression pill, then go to my room to go to sleep.


I hear a gunshot as I'm about to get my keys from my bag. My face goes white. I hurry as fast as I can, scrambling to get the key to unlock the door. I open the door to find him tied up against the wall, bloody and bruised from head to toe. I squeeze my eyes closed and scream.

I wake up to someone shaking me. I look up to see Niall with a worried look on his face. It looks like he's out of breath.

"Harry are you ok?! You were screaming again."

Shit! I sit up. "Dammit. I'm sorry for waking you!"

"Another nightmare?"

"Ye-yeah. Just a nightmare. You can go back to bed. I'm sorry again for waking you up...again."

"I'm use to it dude. I'm just glad to be here to help." Niall says getting up from his knees. "Goodnight mate!" He says walking out my door

"Goodnight!" I say curling back up to go to sleep. God. I wish morning would come faster.


Morning finally comes. I get up and go to the closet to pick out my outfit. I pick out a pair of skinny jeans, my brown boots, and a normal grey v-neck.

I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. Damn! I look horrifying in the morning. My hair is a mess (even though its always like that) and I have bags under my eyes. I put my hands through my hair and just shake it til it looks pleasing. Then I splash cold water on my face, brush my teeth, then go back to my room to actually put my clothes on.

Once I get dressed I go downstairs where food awaits me. Usually I do the cooking but Niall couldn't wait to eat.

Pancakes. Lovely way to start the day. Once I finish my food I take my depression pill, I get in the car and wait for Niall. I look at the car radio where a clock is displayed. I seem to check that clock every five seconds. Niall better not be late. I need to get to work on time!

Seven minutes and thirty-four seconds pass once Niall finally gets in the car. "Ready to go?" Niall asks

"Yup have been for now eight minutes."

"Sorry, sorry. Geez." Niall giggles. He looks over at me and grins, which wipes the frown off my face immediately.

"Just drive!" I say hitting the stirring wheel, trying to get him to laugh, which works. Niall starts up the car and finally we leave to get to work that I hopefully am on time to.


I think im going to leave you guys there for now. I know. I am so sorry this chapter sucks!!! I plan on introducing Louis in the next chapter. I'm going to camp for a week so i'll write more of this down on paper. No technology for a whole week. I'm sorry. I hope you guys will like this fanfic. I really wanna do good. Give me some feedback and such please, and if you could comment and like and such that would be absolutely amazing :) Thanks guys. ~Lydia.

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