Chapter 4- The Awkward Art Class

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This chapter is dedicated to AndieJoyPandy because she got some AMAZING IDEAS for the chapter, and she is an awesome fan! :) thaaank youuu ! xoxo

If you want a dedication, give me your thoughts on the book question below! :)



So now I had an art class with Gage. This should be fun considering he's amazing at all kinds of art and I can draw at the level of a kindergartner. The classroom was about half filled with people meaning there would still be room for people who wanted to switch classes to come here.

There were several circular tables that could sit about 3 or 4 people at each one. I walked over to the table where Gage was sitting alone  He's my friend so I decided to go see him.



I sat down in the chair beside him. There was an awkward silence. We both just looked around the room, at the supplies and anything that would make us look busy. I was silently playing with my retainer with my tongue. As disgusting as it sounds, I still can't get used to the feeling of having it in my mouth!

Anyways it went on for about 5 minutes until Gage broke the silence.

"So I've been thinking lately, a-"


The bell rang before he could finish his sentence. We sighed and turned around as the teacher started talking.

"Hello! I'm Mr. Hart and I'll be your teacher this semester. So your fir-"

There was a loud knock on the door.

Probably just someone late. No big deal.

Mr.Hart went to open the door and Carter walked into the classroom, handing Mr.Hart a slip of paper along the way.

"You're transferring classes? Your other class just started like 30 seconds ago!"

"Yeah. But I didn't like it. I'll like it much better here."

I heard Gage groan as Carter headed this way to sit at our table. Carter sat on the other side of me and grinned.



Gage just murmured something inaudible. I rolled my eyes. 

"So your first assignment today is fairly easy. Draw or paint, whatever you choose, something that you like or that matters to you or anything you want, I don't care!"

A student raised his hand. "Yes this is being marked." Mr Hart said.

Another student put her hand up. "This is due by the end of class." He replied.

He sent us off to work. I grabbed some paint, a paint brush and painted like crazy. Carter just stared at his piece of paper. Gage was silently drawing something that I couldn't see.

It was quiet..


So I decided to break the silence. "So.. Do you cheese like guys?"

They both looked up at me, confused. 

"OOPS. I meant do you guys like cheese? Haha.."

Carter laughed. "Random much?"

"Yeah. You guys were too quiet."

Gage smiled and kept working.

"What are you drawing there, Mr.Artist?" I tried peeking but he moved his body so that I couldn't see.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2012 ⏰

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