The Room

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We went to my room and walked in. It was beautiful. It had pretty shear purple curtains and a princess style bed. Every thing had a purple theme.
"I love it!" I almost screamed, jumping up and down like a child.
"You might be our maid but you are still human, we aren't going to treat you like shit just because your not wealthy like the rest of us."
I was starting to like Jungkook. He was sweet and kind. I had a feeling he would be the only one that was nice to me so I got attached quickly.
"Your maid?"
"Oh, right, I haven't told you yet. Your going to be our maid!"
He seemed so excited that I didn't want to argue with him.
"Okay, I'll do it."
"It wasn't much of a question but you start tomorrow!" He was very excited. I noticed this twinkle in his eyes that wasn't there before. 

"You should sleep, i hit your head pretty hard earlier." He spoke pulling me out of my head.

"Yeah, my head does hurt a little. I guess sleep might help."

"Okay, Goodnight Princess."

"Goodnight Daddy."

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