Chapter 1

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• Your PoV •

'How do you do it?' That's what everyone asks me. How the hell did you become a billionaire at 18. Crazy I know. Most the time I can't even believe it myself to be honest. It's a crazy world we live in eh. I started off just like anyone else, singing on YouTube, but some how I got noticed and picked out of the millions of other people that were posting videos of them singing online. Honestly still don't know how, and I guess my life just took off from there. Now I guess I'm some big shot celebrity selling thousands of tickets to my world tour concerts, every show sold out. Millions apon millions of fans looking up too me. Millions of people watching my every move, ready to write an article or film my fuck ups. It's a lot of pressure. Friends are a big problem. I have a small circle and I still don't believe everyone in it is real.

The media expects me to be mates with other big celebrities and I guess this is why our relationship was hidden for so long and when it did finally come out that we were dating the world was in uproar. Some loved it some hated it. Fans loved it, other celebrities now looked down on me.

But that didn't stop us.

To understand 'us' you need to know the whole story.

~ Back to the beginning ~

~ JJ pov ~

'SIMON! FOR FUCK SAKE!' I yell so the whole house could hear. 'WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!' I slam my door and storm towards Simon's room. I swing open the door, Simon and Josh are sat in the chairs pissing themselves in laughter. 'Oh you think it's funny, huh!' I say filled with rage.
'What's wrong Jj?' Josh says in an innocent voice which pisses me off even more.
'Oh I don't know maybe the fact that you hacked into my twitter, you cunt!' I say move close up to Simon.
'How did you know it was me?' Simon says in slur of laughter.
'Fam. It said 'I would date any bitch now tbh, Simon's stolen my dream gal so I'm down for anything now!' So you kinda made it obvious.' I say raising my eyebrow. 'Which by the way isn't true, your girl is butters.' Simon's face drops and I start laughing my ass off.
'Cunt.' Simon says quietly. I continue to laugh profusely.

~ You PoV ~

'Okay my turn, Dare.' I say smirking. Everyone looks at me shocked. This whole evening no one has picked dare because they were all scared of what it would be.
'Okay, brave bitch, give me your phone.' My best friend Marina winks at me evilly.
'I already regret this!' I hand her my phone hesitantly. 'Okay nothing that could end my career okay?!' I say nervously.
Marina start typing away.
I start biting my nails, nervous to what she was tweeting.
'And Done.' Her voice sounds proud which makes me even more nervous. She hands me back my phone.
I go onto my twitter. She has replied to someone's tweet.
' I would date any bitch now tbh, Simon's stolen my dream gal, so I'm down for anything now!' I read out the original tweet. I was so confused who the fuck was Simon? I saw the name of the twitter user, KSI? What type of name is KSI?
'What was your reply?!' Tommy says excited.
I clear my voice. 'I mean I'm down if you are, winky emoji.' I sigh. Then laugh.
'I don't even know who this is!' I say.
'Same to be honest but it was a trending tweet and he is verified with millions of followers so...' Marina says. I look at her and roll my eyes and shake my head. We all laugh.

~ Jj PoV ~

'Wait wtf!' Simon screams. I turn to Simon confused.
'Oh shit!' Josh says covering his mouth in shock.
'Wait what's happening?' I say confused. They ignore me. 'WHATS GOING ON!' I shout. They both turn and listen to me. They hand me my phone.
'No way...' I say shocked. The biggest celebrity in the world had replied to my tweet.
'I mean I am down if you are, winky emoji.' I say excitedly. WHAT THE FUCK!

715 Words

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