Chapter 3

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Jj held me close, his body pushes against mine as we embraced. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes.

'You look amazing.' Jj smirks looking me up and down.
'Eh I look 'ight.' I laugh he laughs. He links his arm with mine and leads me into the event.

We were there to see the new Marvel movie, even though I can't stand Marvel movies, I spent the whole movie joking and laughing with Jj. It was like one of our text conversations come to life and I loved it!

'Hey wanna go get a drink or something because I can tell by your face you hate this.' Jj whispers into my ear. I chuckles and nod my head.

We sneak out the event and head to a nearby bar, we enter the VIP area and order drink. We have a few drink, a decent amount, Oh who am I kidding we got completely fucking wasted.

'So, why KSI?!' I say laughing
'It's stands for, Knowledge Strength and Integrity.' Jj laughs picking me up.
'AHH!' I laugh wrapping my arms round his neck. 'Oo deep.' I says sarcastically.
'Oh shut up.' Jj laughs spinning me around.

Since I became a big name, I have been so controlled; 'don't talk to him.' 'Be friends with her.' 'Don't post that.' 'Don't have fun!' The always told me, I could never leave the house without looking like a super mode. I couldn't just be friends with whoever, I knew they will freak if they found out I was hanging out with a 'YouTuber.' But Jj was different. He wasn't like anyone I had ever met. He understood me. He wasn't some stuck up son of bitch like everyone else in the world.

Flashes blind our faces, but we don't hide, we laugh and pose stupidly. The paparazzi was screaming, but we didn't listen we just laughed and did stupid poses together. For once I felt... normal. And I liked it.

'I got a pose.' Jj says smirking at me. I smirked back knowing what he was on about.
'Do it, I dare you.' I tease.
Jj grabs my waist and pulls me close. He places his soft lips on mine, cameras flashing and paparazzi yelling. But at the moment it was like it was just the two of us alone. I didn't care about what would happen.

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