Chapter 6: Zombie Hunters

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Haily's POV

As Finn and I walked away from both the Colonel & Wilbur we headed back to our bunks where the others were but before going inside we had to have a little talks with one another, "You're not serious are you? I mean yea ok we can help them but that would mean risking our lives and I don't know about you but I don't wanna die and I defiantly don't wanna see you die" Finn spoke looking at me as I try piecing everything together to see if this is the right thing to do, "We have to Finn we might be able to stop this plus if we don't..." I stopped as he kinda understood what I was about to say. We walk into the room where everyone was "So how'd it go?" Dylan asked as Finn just waited for me to Speak "Wolfhard & I are gonna be going to South Korea to figure out what this thing is", "But you can't go!" Sophia shouted as Wyatt placed a hand on her shoulder "We have to go, They're gonna kick us off the ship" I told them as everyone's eye's widen including Finn's ,"What" everyone said in unison I sat in the air just because "If we go you guys will be here safe if we don't... We're back in Philly tonight". "What about Wilbur did he do anything about it" Jaeden ask frantically almost crying but Kaya comfort him "Guys like Wilbur aren't in charge anymore like we were once before" Finn said as everyone had a disappointed face on them but Jack was worse... He just laid down on his bed and I'm assuming pissed. "Dylan Catch" I said tossing him a phone "What's this for?" "Call the number on it, it's mine call me once a day as long as I make that call everything is gonna be okay, You all can talk to me when you call it just so it doesn't belong to One person" Dylan smiled as everyone started saying there goodbyes to both Finn & I. I walk over to Jack who was presumably sleeping so I whispered in his ear "I'm coming back Jack" I place a gentle kiss on his temple as I leave the room with Finn, "Don't Die Haily" Dylan joked as I rolled my eyes "If I can survive The Maze, The Scorch, and W.C.K.D themselves then I'll survive this too" I smile as I give him one last hug goodbye.

Time Skip~

The plane we were on already took off about 5 minutes ago as both Finn & I sat next to each other while the Doctor sat a fair distance away from us, "So you do everything they say you'll be alright, They move We move, They stop We stop if things were to get crazy just focus on their boots focus on their voices you'll be ok, These guys are Hammers and to Hammers everything looks like Nails" "I heard that" Sargent Brody said "You we're meant to" Finn chuckled "Just don't get in the way, if they need you, you go up to them" Fassbach nodded as I looked back at him "Think we're gonna find anything?" "Yea Yea we're gonna find something, Mother Nature is a serial Killer no ones better more creative, like all serial killers she can't have the urge to want to get caught, so she leaves crumbs now the hard part why you spend a decade in school is seeing the crumbs for the clues they are, the thing you thought was the most Brutal aspect of the Virus turns out to the chink in it's armor and she loves describing her weaknesses as strengths, She's A Bitch" Fassbach explains till at the end he starts lightly laughing. I just look way because I was kinda nervous and uncomfortable so I leaned my head on Finn's Shoulder as I drifted to sleep.

Next Day~

"Alright everyone Wake up! We're about to land!" The Pilot said using the speakers as we all slowly started to get up. I sat up and was the first one to be fully awake so I decided to change my outfit to be more... Fitting.

As everyone fully gets up the plane starts to land and we were finally on the ground again

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As everyone fully gets up the plane starts to land and we were finally on the ground again. "Ok you ready for this O'Brien?" Finn asked with a slight smirk as I smirk back "Not really but nothings gonna stop me", the plane door or whatever opens up as the Sargent Fassbach Finn & I  slowly walk out hearing a distance snarl from the Zombies.


Oooooh Cliffhanger!!! What will happen next?! Stay tuned for a new episode on Dragon ball Z😂😂😂 No seriously I guess you all will have to if you got this far Hope you enjoyed so far❤ love you all

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