Chapter 7: Stuck in South Korea

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Haily's POV

We hear a snarl from the distance but the guards I guess didn't hear it so they continued walking down the aircraft. Finn Fassbach & I follow after be stop with the sudden closer screeching sound, I glance down at the doctor who had his finger on the trigger "Keep your finger off the trigger" I told him as i look through the mist not seeing anything till one of those things the Zombies came charging at some of the guards thankfully no one was bitten but it was still a scary sight to see. Fassbach must of been terrified because he ran back into the plane, slipping and-


A sound of a gunshot instantly made me turn my head around as I ran up to a dead Fassbach laying on the floor. At that moment everything seemed to be moving in Slow Motion, Finn was shooting some zombies till a team of army soldiers came crashing my thoughts. "What is this? What happened to him?" Captain Speke said, I knew his name because it said it on his badge, Finn grabbed me and hoist me up to my feet as we ran through the rain trying not to slip and get caught thankfully we made it to their installation, "My boy just died out there he was 17 (or was it 18?) He was 17, can you tell me why?!" Speke practically yelled at everyone but kept him focus on me "Guy just shot himself, a doctor a neurologist" Finn said to no one in particular, "What're you talking about?" Speke chipped in looking at both Finn & I confused as hell. "He was suppose to be our best hope figuring this out" I gently unravel the scarf that I had rapped around my arm since it fell off my head/neck and it was a gift from Jack, "Well he's not our best hope anymore" Sargent Ryan said with a smirk.
My anger started to boil at that point and soon I just Burst "Hey! He volunteered to come he didn't have to you know! None of us did!! So I suggest you slim it and help us figure out what this is" I yell as both the Captain & the Sargent backed down. "Slim It??" Sargent Ryan repeated what I had said confused on the word, "She was put into a Maze that W.C.K.D made and someone who helped defeat them" Finn answered as everyone nodded since they all had heard about that happening.

"The sound... Are they drawn to it?" I ask leaning against a wall looking at my watch 8:47pm, "Yea sound draws 'em, body shots seem to slow them down headshots do the trick but just to be safe we tend to burn them" Speke said leaning down cleaning his night vision goggles that he had used to find us. "Fought any Zeke yet?" "Yea.." "Where?" "Philly and Newark" "Bad?" I slightly nodded at the horrific sight that we all say in both Philadelphia and Newark, "What bout New Zealand?" "Houston" "North Carolina" "Canada" "Florida" "Mississippi" "Massachusetts" "Oregon" "Michigan" the other soldiers and guards all said at once so I only caught a few before sighing deeply "Guys imma be honest with you I doubt anywhere back home is safe"; "If the doctor was a neurologist what do you two do?" "There was a memo sent from this installation 11 days ago had the word Zombie in it, do you know anything about it?" I said sounding all grown up if a do say so myself.

"Yea... It was an E-mail not a memo. Pretty obvious nobody back home bothered to read it but can't always control what they read and don't" Speke sassily said but with more annoyance in his voice than a playful one. Speke took both Finn and I down the installation I barely paid attention to most of what they're saying since I was worried about Dylan and my friends/family I hope they're alright- "Haily" "huh...yea?" "You ok?" "Yea I'm fine" Finn and I whisper to each other till Sargent Ryan said something about his leg which what I could tell has mechanical and how he was able to escape the Zeke or Zombies, "That how you tweaked your leg?" I asked as he slightly smirked "No it's been bugging me awhile" "This fool, stands right in the mix bout seven or eight of them turn Zeke all at the same time got no time for old dirty bastard right here, Got no time for his Lucky ass" Speke says walking us out of the room and passing some cages. "Captain Speke is there anyone, my god my God are they eating me?!" I look down the hall to see a person in the cage wearing Orange the usual color for a prisoner "Who's that?" "Ugh.. Don't waste anytime with that freak" "he's CIA got caught selling guns to North Korea" Speke added, I disregarded what Ryan & Speke said and pulled up a chair in front of the dudes cage because I was curious.

"So... You're with the CIA?" I sit down crossing my arms for the old guys answer. "Yes but they're not with me....and who are you?" "You win" he laughs like a creep on the street "Oh my God! Haha Captain put on the world song the day is saved" he said all amused with himself as we all just look at him in a weird way. "Why'd you sell guns to the North?" I cut him off from his little laughing spree and looked at him with all seriousness in my face, "Why not" "Are they surviving this?" "Indeed they are" "Using your guns?" "Guns are... Half my pleasure, they might survive they might not" I just listen to what he has to say. "Besides I'll be fine either way, No teeth, No bite, No great spread" "Bullshit" "It was at first but still it's no match for those things, why do we have to suffer, why do we get this kinda plague, Why is Israel winning?!" "How is Israel winning?" "They sealed off their entire Country days before the undead attacked" I put my hands down just looking at him confused. "People have been building walls there for century's" "Yes but finish all those years of work a week ago? Impeccable timing is all, you want answers? Jurgen Warmbrunn that's the man in Jerusalem you want to see" and with that I stood up and left walking over to the Pilot and Speke with Finn on my tail. "We're going to Jerusalem... I'm your copilot".


Sorry for the long wait it took me awhile because Wattpad wouldn't work properly this might be my longest chapter

Word count: 1118

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