Northern Lights [Michifer]

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A/N at end of work

Lucifer flopped down next to Gabriel, breathing heavily. "Ha, I can fly better than you," the young angel boasted with a grin.

"That's cuz you're older," Gabriel pouted, crossing his arms and fluffing up the feathers of his six golden wings. Nearby, Raphael sat and observed her brothers, entirely uninterested in their silly little flying competition. Michael had been absent all day, and it seemed like she was the only one even mildly worried, until Gabriel said, "Shut up, Michael can actually fly- hey, where is he, anyway?"

As if on cue, the eldest angel appeared next to Raphael. He was extremely weary, and had definitely expended too much Grace to do much else but lie there and allow Raph to unruffle a few of his feathers.

"Where have you been?" Lucifer immediately asked, pouncing on Michael's back. "You've been gone all day. You left me to rot with these- these-" He sputtered, searching for the right word and therefore ruining his dramatic speech.

Michael gave him a tired smile. "I made you something."

Gabriel's eyes widened and he stumbled over. "On Earth? What is it? Can I see it too?"

"Some day, little one. Once you are strong enough to fly there and back."

Lucifer frowned and laced his fingers with his older brother's. "But... You're the only one of us that's ever been there. You're the only one whose wings are strong enough."

"Let me rest," Michael commanded softly, ignoring Lucifer's protests. "I'll... I'm weary."

Raphael and Gabriel shrugged and left, Raph mentioning that Father was working on making more brothers and sisters for them. With them occupied, Lucifer began building a new temporary nest for his sleeping brother.


When Michael awoke a few hours later, he stretched and ran a hand through Lucifer's hair affectionately. "You ready to go?"

"Of course." The Morning Star was actually really excited to be given his first sight of Earth. Only Michael and their Father had been, and Michael described it as a beautiful paradise rivaling their own home. Then again, there was the drawback of, oh yeah, not actually being physically able to transport himself there. "How are we...?"

Michael wrapped his arms around his brother's waist. "Unfold your wings, it'll help with the landing. I can carry both of us if you try to help out a little."

After a few moments of fumbling wings and Grace, Michael and Lucifer messily tumbled onto a large snow drift.

"That was not my most elegant moment," Michael murmured, causing Lucifer to crack a grin.

"Then I'll make sure to remind you of it often," he replied cheekily, giving Michael a shove. "Now, what's this Earthly thing that you've worked so hard on?"

"We have to wait for their sun to go down first. Patience, brother."

Lucifer huffed but allowed himself to wait. The sun on this plain of existence passed under the horizon quickly enough, so he didn't fidget too much. "Okay, but why here?" He gestured to all the surrounding snow. "I thought you preferred heat to cold."

"Because it's for you, so it needed to be somewhere you'd enjoy being," Michael answered shyly as the sun finally died away. "Okay, look- up there."

Colors danced across the sky, hues of pink and violet and green. Distant suns speckled the black sky, and Lucifer found himself lost in the beauty of his brother's creation. The lights shimmered and wavered and were reflected in the snow all around them.

"Oh," he breathed. "Michael-"

"They aren't as bright or as pretty as you but I-"

"Micha. Micha, thank you."

The older archangel glowed at the words.


Gabriel eagerly awaited the return of his brothers, excited for any word of the mysterious, brand-new Earth. Raphael sat coolly next to him. When Michael and Lucifer tumbled back onto Heaven's plane of existence, their youngest sibling pounced on them. "How was it? Can you take me next time? What's it like? What'd you do?"

The two eldest archangels exchanged grins. "Nothing, Gabe," Lucifer answered airily. "You'll see some day."


In the cage, Lucifer curls up and tries to ignore the shimmering, dancing colors in the sky. The memory aches and bleeds, leaving gaping wounds.

"Micha," he cries skyward. "Let me out, please!"

No one answers.

The northern sky slowly freezes him, swallows him whole, and Lucifer no longer begs for Michael to save him. Instead, he waits. 66 seals is all it will take, and he will escape and reap his vengeance.


A/N: yeah, yeah, they seem pretty human and childlike, but young angels and fun times, y'know? / The idea that Michael created the Northern Lights for Lucifer is from a post on Tumblr.

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