Sadie Hawkins Dance - Midam

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femslash Midam high school AU

includes mentions of Destiel and Sabriel, because I just couldn't resist

Adeline/Addie - Adam

Deanna/Dee - Dean

Samantha/Sam - Sam

Castielle/Cas - Castiel

Gabrielle/Gabby - Gabriel

Michelle - Michael

Dammit, Addie wanted her bad. Of course, she wasn't the only girl or guy in the school who had a thing for Michelle, but damn. This crush was getting worse by the hour, and most of Addie's time in class was spent daydreaming about green eyes, long, dark hair, and powder pink lips asking 'will you go to the Sadie Hawkins with me?'

The sophomore's two older sisters already had dates, which probably influenced the intensity of Addie's dream to go with Michelle. Deanna, a senior, was going with her freshman girlfriend Castielle-- who happened to be Michelle's little sister; Sam, a junior, was going, rather spontaneously, with a short little blonde senior named Gabrielle. Of the two, Addie liked Castielle better, purely because Gabby had played a few cruel pranks on Addie when she was a freshman.


Lunch rolled around and Addie found herself in the cafeteria next to her sisters and their friends, with her best friend Samandriel sitting across from her. He had known she was gay before she had, which was saying something, and he'd always been able to read her so easily.

"Honestly, at this point I'm probably just gonna spend the night with you," Addie sighed exasperatedly, stealing glances at the table where Michelle and some of the other more popular kids sat. "Dances are lame anyway."

Samandriel had the decency to look apologetic as he answered, "Sorry, someone already asked me."

"Ughhhghgg," Addie moaned, dropping her head to the tabletop. "This is bullshit."

"Why don't you ask her yourself?"


"Michelle, who else?" Sammie snorted.

"Shut your face, she'd laugh at me."

Deanna glanced over. "Who would laugh at you? Addie, are you being bullied? Do I need to beat someone up for you? A--"

"No!" Addie blushed, covering her face with her hands. "No, Dee. No."

"Then, what...?"

Addie shot Samandriel a sharp, 'don't-you-dare-say-a-word' glare, and tried to sound casual. "Just. Stuff."

Deanna turned and looked over at Michelle's table, then raised an eyebrow at Addie.

"Shut up, Deanna Winchester."

"I didn't say anything, Adeline Milligan."


Addie slammed her locker shut and sighed, resting her forehead on the cool metal. Someone cleared their throat next to her and she jumped, scared out of her skin. Heat rose to her cheeks as Addie found herself staring into Michelle Novak's green gaze.

"Hello, Addie," the older girl started, sounding formal.

"Uh. Hi."

Michelle seemed a little uncomfortable, as if she was way out of her comfort zone, and bit her lip. "Um, well, as you know, the school's Sadie Hawkins dance is coming up." Addie could feel her heart rate accelerate. "And I'm on student council so I have to set up most of it and organize it and we've been planning it all out for months," she rambled, and Addie's heart sank just a little.

This was probably just something Michelle was doing for student council.

"I'm really sick of this whole dance, and it's still a week away," Michelle continued, "so I figured I'd skip it--"

Addie's heart sank further.

"--and you don't really seem like a dance person anyway, so." All the cool confidence that electrified the air around the oldest Novak was back. "Would you like to go out with me on Friday?" Nervousness leaked into her voice. "Unless you want to go to the dance? Or do you already have a date? Or--"

"I'd love to."

The two girls grinned at each other, breathless.


"Yeah. Friday. That sounds good. Dances are lame, anyway."

And then Michelle Novak, student council member, varsity track runner, advanced placement student, most gorgeous human being to ever grace the high school halls, kissed Adeline Milligan-Winchester, and Addie walked home feeling like a Disney princess.

Deanna gave Addie a funny look, and Samantha asked, "Why are you so happy?" and her mom, Kate, raised an eyebrow, and Addie just twirled through the living room and into the kitchen.

"Dances are lame," she sang, plucking an apple from the fruit basket. She had to call Samandriel.

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