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I don't think I can put off making new skirts any longer--regardless of how much else I have to do," sighed Mavis. "Most of my blouses are okay if I leave them untucked, but the skirts are beginning to get pretty tight. It might not be too good for the baby if they get much tighter." She smoothed the velvet patchwork skirt over her swollen belly and eyed her reflection in the mirror before putting on a loose, white peasant blouse.

"I'm getting so big," she said, lifting the hem of the skirt to survey her ankles. "And my ankles are getting swollen."

"Not a bit of it," replied John. He was watching her from the bed;  he got up and came to stand behind her.

They stood together looking at themselves in the mirror for a moment. 

 "We look good together," he said suddenly. "But then, ye'd make any man look good who stood beside ye."

Mavis turned in his arms and looked up into his face. The morning sun pouring in from the window beside him made the russet highlights in his hair shine, and his eyes were the warm, light brown color that was natural to him. They sparkled at her from behind his glasses as he looked down at her.

"You're the good looking one," argued Mavis. "There's nothing special about me."

"Oh, I beg to differ, Miss Mavis," he said in a gently scolding tone. "Yer just that beautiful with yer wide eyes and those delicious, kissable lips o' yers. C'mon, darlin', and give us a kiss."

She lifted her mouth to kiss him, and his  hands entangled themselves in her long hair. 

She caught her breath as he took her mouth hungrily, his tongue eagerly exploring hers as thoroughly as it had the very first time they had kissed, as it did every time.

She broke the kiss reluctantly, and rested her head on his shoulder, flushed with excitement and breathing heavily. 

 "You make me dizzy," she whispered breathlessly. "I wish I didn't have to go down to the pub to start breakfast, but people will start coming in soon and nothing's been done yet."

"Hold on, darlin', I know ye've gotta get cookin' and I have the fire to tend to, but first I've got a surprise for ye."

He released her and went back to the bed. He reached underneath and slid out a fair sized box, placing it on the unmade bed.

Mavis opened the box. Inside were four new skirts in a larger size with an elastic panel in each to accommodate her growing belly. There were several new, loose fitting blouses as well.

"This one's me favorite," remarked John, lifting out a deep green velvet brocade skirt. "It's just the color for ye."

"They're beautiful," said Mavis. "And so thoughtful! Where'd you get them?"

"Peace Masterson made the blouses, and as for the skirts, Birdsong McKinnon's mum made them," he told her. "I asked her last month at her daughter's weddin'."

"Hmmm. I'll bet Birdsong wished it was you she was marrying," said Mavis, a slight twinge of jealousy making her eyes flash. "She was always chasing you."

"Caught me a few times too, din't she," replied John. "She'll settle down now, though. Her mum says she's adjustin' to married life quite well--more's the pity for the young men on the island."

NOWHERE MAN     chapter oneWhere stories live. Discover now