Chapter 12 (The final)

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A/n sorry I haven't updated in a while I really have no excuse so shun me. And let's get on with the story and this will be the final chapter because I honestly don't know what else to do with it but my next book will be BTS One Shots so we have that to look forward to😊

My life with Tae had been so amazing after all these years it's made me so happy that we found each other. Of course there were days where we got angry or jealous but that never stopped us from advancing on in our relationship. He was still working with BTS and I still had my YouTube career. Today he told he had a surprise planned, and told me to meet him at the coffee shop where we had our first date. 

I put on my pick oversized sweatshirt,  black ripped jeans, a choker and messed with my hair a bit. Then I got out my headphones and started walking down the block. 

Daddy❤️: Hey baby boy you almost here 

Daddy❤️: Hurry I'm impatient 

Y/n: Oh my god I'm coming hold on

Daddy❤️:😒 fine 

I giggled looking at my phone, he can be such a brat sometimes, I walked for about 3 more minuets until I finally reached the coffee shop. When I walked in the familiar smell of pastries and espresso filled the air, I looked around the shop until I found Tae sitting in the exact spot he does every single time we come here.

"Oh my god baby boy I thought you were never going to come" I rolled my eyes "so dramatic" we both got coffee and just talked about random things, like how Suga and Jimin FINALLY got together and how because of it Tae got $50 from Jin. 

"Hey baby let's go to the park!" He really is adorable "Ok, the one that we went to on our first date?" "Yes" so after he payed he took my hand and we both walked down go the park, I  was giggling and leaning all over him I probably look drunk honestly. Once we got to the park we  played on the swings and dared each other to do stupid shit until Tae told me he had a present for me. He then put his hands over my eyes and lead me to what felt like the forest behind the park. He took his hands away we were both surrounded by trees and the reddish orange sky above us. "Uh why are we here you're not going to kill me now are you" he laughed nervously. "No, actually I was wondering" he stopped and got down on one knee and pulled out a small black box, " If I could have the honor of having you Y/f/n Y/l/n to be my husband" I stood there in shock. "Yes of course I will" I was crying tears of joy I can't believe this happened to me.

Baby boy| Taehyung x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now