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CHAPTER 1Spotlight

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MINHYE has been warned of frat parties, in fact, HASEUL and JIEUN wouldn't let her go to them unless she stayed by their side. So, here she was with HASEUL and JIEUN in the kitchen of one of the biggest fraternities of their school.

"MINHYE, wanna try some alcohol?" HASEUL playfully raises both her eyebrows at opposite times.

JIEUN smacks HASEUL's arm, knowing well the outcome of the act, "HASEUL, she's like a baby."

"It won't hurt, come on, try it!" HASEUL smiles viciously as she hands the red solo cup.

MINHYE hesitantly takes the cup, afraid it was a trap and that the older girls would yell at her. When they didn't say anything, MINHYE quickly took the chance to drink the liquid as she usually wasn't allowed to.

But as soon as the liquid touches her tongue, her face scrunches in disgust, "Gross!"

Both JIEUN and HASEUL begin bursting out laughing as the young girl stuck out her tongue. JIEUN takes the cup out of MINHYE's hand and downs the rest of the drink.

"That was adorable!" HASEUL shouts over the loud music.

MINHYE frowns at her older friends, "You guys tricked me."

"We didn't say it would taste like candy, you just willingly drank it," JIEUN comments causing HASEUL to nod in agreeance.

"You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat." HASEUL raises an eyebrow, holding back her laughter at MINHYE's adorable face.

MINHYE just pouts and JIEUN turns around and begins fiddling with some drinks. Meanwhile HASEUL was scanning the kitchen scene, watching as people walk in and out with drinks in hand.

"So why'd we come to this party?" MINHYE asks HASEUL as it was rare for JIEUN to want to take the two of them to the parties she goes to.

HASEUL shrugs, "I think JIEUN invited us because we looked stressed about school picking up soon."

"Here," JIEUN hands a new red cup to MINHYE, "you get two cups max, enough to get you tipsy."

HASEUL looks at JIEUN with an odd expression, "You sure? I don't know if we should let her be at this party tipsy."

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