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»»-—— ❀ ——-««

MINHYE giggled as she read the message on her phone, as of lately WOOJIN began texting her more and more. She was currently walking to a cafe she was told to go to, but she wasn't meeting up with WOOJIN, the boy she was texting.

She walks through the cafe door, the bell jingling as she entered the shop. While standing in the bistro, she continued to laugh at the texts WOOJIN sent her.

"MINHYE," a familiar voice calls out for the small girl, "you good?"

"Huh?" MINHYE quickly puts her phone in her back pocket as she hears JIHOON's voice, "Sorry, I was texting someone."

"Who?" JIHOON asks, more like demands, MINHYE as he leads her to the table he was already at.

MINHYE takes a seat and sees a milkshake sitting in front of her seat, "No one, why do you need to know?"

JIHOON shrugs, "I just wanted to know who you were texting."

"What's this about, JIHOON? You usually don't text me out of the blue during the day." MINHYE crosses her legs and stares at the milkshake.

"I wanted to hang out, is that a problem?" JIHOON raises a brow, wondering why the girl seemed annoyed.

And in fact, she was in the tiniest bit. The reason being was that she was going to ask WOOJIN to hang out, but then JIHOON texted her wanting to see her. In all honesty the girl thought he would end their whole friends with benefits things because he seemed very off as of lately.

He didn't want to sleep with her anymore, he instead just wanted to cuddle each other while sleeping and do things of that nature.

It wasn't anything like the beginning of their relationship. "JIHOON," MINHYE pushes the milkshake towards the boy who bought it for her, "remember how we first met?"

"At the party, the first night we slept together," JIHOON nods, taking a sip of his tea as he recalls the night, a slight pink appearing on his cheeks.

"Yeah, I got drunk trying to mix drinks. I actually was trying to make a drink JIEUN made me, but I just kept on drinking bits and bits of alcohol until they all tasted the same." MINHYE laughs at the first night she ever got drunk.

JIHOON nods, "Then you found your way to the dance floor and we started talking."

"And after a couple days you and your friends came up to me and my friends, asking us all to be friends with benefits?" MINHYE turns to look at JIHOON, a serious expression on her face.

JIHOON was taken back by the look, he always saw the cute and bubbly side of MINHYE, "Yeah?"

"JIHOON, we're just friends with benefits, but you're starting to treat me differntly." MINHYE sighs, hoping JIHOON would take the hint.

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