
412 15 11

August 15th, 2038

PM 08:29:05

PM 08:29:06

Connor had been created and activated by Cyberlife as a detective prototype so he could investigate the reasons why Androids deviated from their programs and to become the best partner to humans. There weren't a lot of cases of deviancy known, Cyberlife practically keeping the few ones under the radar as to not alarm the public but there were enough to keep them in alert.

It made them want to to find more 'Deviant' Androids to put a stop at this error. And what more successful than an Android hunting down other Androids?

Which is where Connor, the newer RK model came from. 'He' had been at Cyberlife calibrating his latest cognitive functions when a police report regarding Androids filtered to his software. Cyberlife had installed a program that intercepted any key word regarding Androids to Connor so he would easily jump into those cases.

So, as soon as Connor an Cyberlife got an Android call about a Deviant and another call minutes later about the same Deviant taking a little girl hostage, he knew this was the moment Cyberlife had been waiting for Connor to prove he could do it, that he could make Deviants surrender so they could find the error in their software that made them deviate from their programming.

It didn't take long for Connor to reach the building seeing SWAT teams surrounding the place. He reached the elevator, using his coin his maker at Cyberlife had given him to calibrate his cognitive functions so he'd be more in 'shape'.

His LED flashing blue as the calibration was in process, looking at the elevator floors, waiting for his stop.

As soon as the doors opened, he smoothly stopped using his coin trapping it between two fingers and shoving it to his pocket. His program guided him to show himself as professional and cause a good impression, fixing his tie and walking out of the elevator stiffly, scanning his surroundings as his auditory sensors picked upon a human notifying of his presence.

"Negotiator on site" The man called through his walkie talkie walking away as Connor left the elevator, immediately sharping his scanning abilities as his program dictated him to find everything he could use so his mission could be successful, finding a photograph of the family, picking it up, LED cycling blue

[scanning: Photograph...]

[collecting data...]

[processing data...]

- Phillips, John.

Born: 10/11/1999

Lives: 1554 Av. Detroit

- Phillips, Caroline

Born: 05/23/2001

Lives: 1554 Av. Detroit

- Phillips, Emma

Born: 09/02/2028

Lives: 1554 Av. Detroit

Connor lowered down the photograph looking up at the voice of a distressed woman, crying "No, stop. I...I.. I can't leave her!"

A SWAT member walked in with the woman he scanned as Caroline Phillips who as soon as she saw Connor she went to him, grabbing his arms desperately. Connor watched her expressionlessly "Please, please you gotta save my little girl-" she stopped suddenly in shock when she noticed the blinking LED in his forehead, realizing he was an Android, finally looking him up and down in recognition. "Wait... You're sending an Android?"

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