Part 7: Brood

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|| Brood

    |||| hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing


I walk into the mansion back together with Bae Jinyoung. He seems cold at first but when someone around him hurt, he really cares about them a lot. As soon as Butler Kang spots us, Jinyoung stands a few distances away from me. I look at him, puzzled.

"Young Master Bae.. Where are you? We searched for both you and Miss Kyung around the house." Butler Kang asks, worried.

"Awh.. Don't worry about it. Miss Kyung already agreed on living here forever as my caretaker. She won't get out of this house without my permission again. She already signed a contract with me, right?" Jinyoung nudges me, faking a smile.

"Mwo? Since when..."

"Woah! It's a huge success. I know that Kyung is a forgiving person." Butler Kang smiles at me.

"I'm the one that captured her mind. Nothing to brag about her. Get my car ready, I want to go out now." Jinyoung coldly tells Butler Kang.

Heol, if not because of this cute rabbit, I won't forgive him.

"You want to go now? But how about your dinner, Young Master?" Butler Kang asks Jinyoung while following him to his room.

I have been left behind, in the middle of the hallway. I walk around the mansion on the third floor. I see the car that Butler Kang and Jinyoung entered already drove away from the mansion by the window.

The third floor really creeps me out. It's so silent and there are so many family pictures hung on the wall. I take a look at each picture where a happy family smile brightly in the pictures. But as I walk straight, the people pictures decreased and the happiness turns to gloominess.

A picture creates a question in my head. "Why suddenly only Young Master's pictures remain?" I ask myself.

"Because he owned this house without anyone's permission." The voice that I once heard before answered me - Daehwi.

I turn around shocked to see him standing right behind me. "How.. I thought that you already went back to your overseas house." I stutter.

"Noona.. I follow you since Jinyoung left this mansion with Butler Kang. And.. This year is the year I will live in this ancient mansion for a while but soon I will live here forever." He smiles.

".. What do you mean forever? Isn't this your family's house. You should share it with Young Master." I ask him again.

"Why should I share a huge mansion that my mom told me to preserve to someone who has duality in personality that will make this mansion become a mental hospital?"

His spicery words shocked me. "How.. He is your brother. You shouldn't say something like that!" I defend Young Master as I think I could understand that he tries his best to know which personality is the best that he should let in his body.

Daehwi pushes me to the wall, looking at me with his beautiful eyes. "Noona.. You don't even want to work here, right? Why you suddenly defend him? He wouldn't give you anything at all and at the end, he will dump you into somewhere else."

My shaking pupils seem to digest his words well. "I know you really want to leave this mansion. I can help you but you have to do what that I tell you to. Are you interested in that deal?" He continues.

I bite my lip, feeling unsure. Should I try the suggestion?

"Can I trust your words? I really need to leave this mansion. I miss my friends and my.. parents." I stopped as I remembered what my mom told me before.

"I never lie, especially to you noona. Trust me. So, you seemed interested. Should I give you the first task?" He winks.

"I will try it first... If I still have difficulty, I will never trust you and what Butler Kang said about you is true." I answer him while fidgeting my fingers.

"You will surely not be disappointed. Firstly, tear his clothes. He will surely mad and tells you to buy a new one outside." He smirks, emphasizing the word that I really want to hear. "Good luck, noona." He walks away, waving goodbye to me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I sneak into Young Master's bedroom to complete the task that Daehwi gave me just now. He surely has all branded clothes such as Burberry, Fendi, Gucci, Valentino and so on. I take the black sweatshirt that I saw in the family pictures.

I gather my courage, cutting the expensive clothes until it doesn't look like something that can be wear anymore. I leave the shirt pieces on the ground with the scissors.

Why should I do this? Am I this desperate to get out of this mansion?

Suddenly the bedroom's door opened, there standing Young Master who just got back from his outing. He looks at me shocked, walking towards me while staring at the fabric pieces.

"What the hell are you doing?! You're the one that cut my favourite clothes, right?! Don't you know how valuable that was?!" He shakes my body, glaring at me with his firing eyes.

"I.. I'm the one that did it. I really admit it." I confidently answer him, ignoring his rampage mood.

He grabs my hand, harshly pulling me to follow him to somewhere outside from his room. Does he want to get me out of his mansion?


WHO YOU? || BAE JINYOUNGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang