Ch. 1

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Annabeth's POV

"Ughhh, it's only 1:48 p.m. Percy agreed to meet up at the Lagoon Cafe' at 3! I have to wait 1 hour and 12 minutes until summer finally begins! " I thought.

"Okay class, time to turn in your end of the year tests! Hope you have a great summer!" said Mrs. Hennderson. *ringggggg* (End of the day school bell)

"Yesssss! I finally get to see Percy!" I shouted while walking back home, "SHOOT! I only have only one hour!" I ran back home and went in by the side door, I secretly climbed into my room and locked the door. I couldn't let my step mom see me going on a date. I saw my face in the mirror, I looked like a hot mess. I scrubbed my face to get rid of the flaky mascara, then I quickly rushed to put on some concealer and mascara. "Hmmm.. what should I wear..."I thought. I decided on a white crop top that shows my bra with some black leggings and some converse. I had a rush of thought of how IT would feel like with Percy. And I imagined him taking of my clothes, and us being in bed. I shook my head. And I rushed out the window and into the summer breeze.

Percy's POV

Today I am going to meet Annabeth at the Lagoon Cafe', I need to look decent... What should I wear? I asked myself. Ugh, why am I trying to decide, the easiest thing to open is some black jeans and a white shirt."I hope that I can bring her home tonight to do something dirty for her birthday... "Mom! I'm going to meet up with Annabeth right now okay!"

"Okay! Make sure to bring her here so I can talk with her!" my mom responded.

"Okay!" I started walking to Annabeth's house. I reached her house and I see a blondie standing in the breeze. "That's my girl" I thought. I ran to her, scooped her up, and started doing soft pecks down her neck.

"Hey! Percy! Put me down please!" she complained.

"Awww, I just wanted to give you a piece of me whenever I see you! And Happy Birthday Annabeth!" I said. We started walking to the cafe' holding hands. 

Annabeth's POV

We were walking to the cafe' hand in hand. We went inside and looked at the menu. I felt Percy's gaze staring at me.

"Can I have a iced latte with 2 pumps of vanilla?", I ordered.

"How about you young man?" the cashier asked Percy. Percy snapped out of his trance.

"Oh! Uhh, I'll get the same thing..." he stuttered. He paid and I took the receipt. I laughed and we chose a secluded place to sit. I looked at the receipt and to my surprise, our customer number way 69. I blushed. Then Percy leaned forward to try to look at the receipt but I backed away.

"69! Number 69, your order's ready!" shouted the barist.

"I'll get them." offered Percy.

"Mkay, thanks." I blushed.

Percy's POV

Annabeth's so beautiful, I just want to touch her and feel her all around. No.. Snap out of it Percy! I came back to my senses and heard the cashier ask what I wanted, I didn't even look at the menu. " Oh! Uhh, I'll get the same thing... " I stuttered. I gave the cashier the money and let Annabeth take the receipt. Then we sat down.

When I saw that Annabeth was blushing, I wanted to see the receipt. And then when they called number 69, I imagined an image of me and Annabeth grinding on each other naked, and us moaning. Then I realized that it was our number, so I went up and got it. After we finished our drinks, I said, "Hey, let's go to my house, my mom wants to talk to you."


We walked hand in hand back to my house. When we opened the door we were greeted by my mom.

"Hi Annabeth! Did Percy tell you I wanted to talk?" my mom asked.

"Yeah! Percy, go up to your room, I'll come there in a second." she said. While they talked I cleaned my room and made my bed. 

"Percy!! I'm coming up!" she shouted. 

"Okay!" Once she opened my door, I tackled her onto my bed....

*I'm sorry, that sucked! But there will be more smutty secrets later! :)* 

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