Chapter Seven

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I was awoken by Effie calling me to breakfast again. I had one more day of this and then I was dying in the games. I slowly walk to breakfast before taking my seat at the table.

"You'll go with Effie first and then to me and Peeta afterwards. Same with Rory. There's going to be no confessions of undying love in this interview. Do you want to drop the baby bomb or should Rory?" Katniss directed her question towards me.

"I should. She can drop the whole married thing and then I come along and tell everyone that she's pregnant. That she didn't realize until after he reaping. And that all she wants to do is get Home to my brother." Rory said. Katniss and Peeta nodded. I nodded as well.

"Time for our four hours Samantha." Effie said. I stood and followed her to my room where she put me in a long dress and a pair of heels that would put me solidly at Gales neck instead of where his heart was. It's what he loved the most about me as he always told me. The fact that every time we hugged on snuggled I hit right where the part that belong the most to him was. My ear always heard his heartbeat. Effie made me walk in my heels and dress to make sure I could. She then made me practice smiling and talking. My face hurt despite the fact that I was almost always smiling when I heard Gale. Our daily affair was him coming home and me lighting up as Katniss puts it when she sees us together. Effie and my session ends with me thanking her and going to lunch. Peeta informed me that it was Katniss and his turn to figure out my angle. They had already ruled out sexy and seductive. They had also ruled out sly and elusive. They had basically decided on me being innocent almost to the point of fault. My entire image was that I was basically twelve. 18 and married and expecting but innocent in the way that I had found true love, had saved myself for marriage and almost lit up almost as much when Gale was mentioned as I do when he walked in the door the of our home. Of course when he walked in I was greeted with kiss and and quick hug. When he was mentioned I just missed his affection. Katniss and Peeta drilled me with interview questions for a few hours. They soon decided that I could basically take care of myself in an interview and set me free. I slipped up to the roof where Katniss joined me.

"Gale managed to get word to me. He spoke in a code that he said you'd understand. He also said to tell you that he misses you and that he loves you. He said...." Katniss hesitated. "Remember the girl we met. That's where I'll be." She dropped her voice to a whisper. The girl we met? The one he called insane? He wouldn't leave twelve unless it was an emergency. What was going on? I nodded like I understood and Katniss also nodded. She quietly led me to bed and then left me at my door. I went to bed and fell asleep quickly to be woken up by three people hung over me. I rather tuned them out for the hours that followed. Cinna entered and shooed the prep team away and helped me into my dress. It was soft and accompanied by a pair of flats. My hair had been curled down my back and my makeup was made to enhance my features. Cinna led me to the mirror and I gasped still seeing twelve year old me. I also saw a reflection of a strong young woman. Both people in the mirror seemed foreign to me. The girl I had for some long disassociated myself with but also the woman I had become. The woman who fended for herself. The woman who had to be forced away from the sight of Gales whipping. The one who risked her life on the daily to survive and to keep people she loves alive. Cinna smiled and led me to the line up. As I glanced back I noticed the trail of flames in my wake. When I moved I seemed to be deadly. I seemed almost unearthly. We were led on stage and put in seats. My mind briefly registers a few interviews. Most of the eight careers play cocky. Almost everyone else is forgettable. A few play humble and one is standoffish. I get called up and walk up almost automatically having something flip in me. I become alert like I do on a hunt and my steps shorten. I move soundlessly across the floor and then stand by ceasar. Ceasar smiled at me.

"Samantha Hawthorne! Do you cake here with another Hawthorne. siblings by any chance?" He asked.

"I hope not!" I giggled. "His brother's my husband after all."

"Your married? But you can't be a day older then 15!" Ceasar said in astonishment. Well fake astonishment.

"I'm 18 ceasar! I've just always been small for my age." I said blushing slightly. It wasn't because of being on stage or Caesar's question. It was my mind going back to Gale teasing me. He always told everyone that I may look 12 but he could tell I was 18 when we were in bed.

"And now the parade. You made quite an impression. What did you think in that moment?" He asked.

"I thought my dress was amazing. I thought Cinna did amazing and I couldnt believe that I was here." I said.

"And the last thing you said to your husband what was that?" Ceasar asked.

"I told him I loved him. And I promised I'd keep Rory alive for him." I looked down avoiding the cameras. I couldn't afford to breakdown about Gale on camera.

"Thank you. Samantha Hawthorne district 12!" Ceasar yelled and I numbly walked back to my seat. I managed to start paying attention right as Rory dropped the bomb that would possibly end in Gale murdering me for allowing myself into this situation.

"I was going to fight as hard as I could to come home but then we found out Sam was pregnant." Rory said. It went dead silent and I looked at myself. I was pale looking and seemed regretful.

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