Chapter 15

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Scourge followed the group, feeling slightly out of place not for the first time.

"Scourge and Shadowpaw can go gather moss over there, me and Tawnypaw will go over here and Redwhisker, you just do you." Darkfur meowed, flicking her tail from the left to the right.

Scourge frowned at the moss that grew on the trees.

How would he ever collect that?

Shadowpaw's jaw dropped in dismay.

Scourge frowned at him. He must be just as confused as I am.

Tawnypaw followed her mentor, Darkfur, and Redwhisker looked between all of the cats, as if confused on what he should do.

Shadowpaw padded over to the tree, starting to rip the moss from the bark, almost effortlessly.

Scourge sat beside the tom, trying to copy his movements.

It was quiet for a while until Shadowpaw broke the silence. "You're doing it wrong."

Scourge dropped his paw, frowning. "Well, how am I supposed to do it?"

Shadowpaw sighed. "I can't believe you don't know how."

"Well, I've never done this before." Scourge growled, starting to grow irritated.

Shadowpaw pushed his small pile of moss away from him and showed Scourge his paw. "You're supposed to hold it like this," he explained, flexing and extending his claws for emphasis. "And you're supposed to put your claws in the grooves of the bark so you don't take the bark with you when you peel the moss off."

Scourge frowned. "Okay.." He extended his claws, realizing for the first time that the dog teeth that had once enforced their power were missing. His eyes widened.

Shadowpaw snorted in amusement and Scourge glared at him. "It's just a paw. You look like you saw a ghost."

"I'm basically a living ghost. How's that?" Scourge retorted.

Shadowpaw gave a mrrow of laughter. "You act like a kit! I have no idea why Tawnypaw is so terrified of you."

"You seem to be afraid every time I try to talk to you," Scourge growled.

Shadowpaw stopped laughing. "There's a difference between being afraid and being cautious."

Both toms fell silent, turning back to their work.

Questions nagged at Scourge. Questions only Shadowpaw could answer.

"Why do you ignore me?" Scourge asked, not looking at the tom.

"I have no reason to acknowledge you," Shadowpaw answered promptly. "Next question."

"How do you know I have a next question?" Scourge turned to look at Shadowpaw.

"You always do, Scourge." Shadowpaw answered softly.

Scourge narrowed his eyes. "Why do you act like you don't know me?"

He could see Shadowpaw stiffen and he knew he hit a nerve.

"That's not important." Shadowpaw dodged the question, his gaze flicking to Scourge's then back to his work again.

"Yes it is."

"You really want to know?" He hissed.

"Yes." Scourge mewed, resisting the urge to go and rake his claws over Shadowpaw's ears.

"It's because I don't want her to find out." Shadowpaw said softly. "What I did.. With those cats."

Scourge was quiet for a moment. " Is she your girlfriend?"

Shadowpaw's expression sharpened and he glared at Scourge. "She's my friend. And she would hate me if she found out. Just like Snowfall would if she found out you weren't at all different than you were before."

Scourge stiffened. "You better not tell her."

"I won't make any promises. Not unless you won't tell them anything...?"

Scourge growled. "We were like kin. What happened to that?"

"You disowned me," Shadowpaw growled back at him. "Just when I was starting to think if you as a brother.."

"Brother?" Scourge snapped. "That's it?! After all I did for you?!"

Shadowpaw narrowed his eyes. "Yes. Brother."

"I took you in," Scourge hissed. "I fed you. And all I get is 'brother'?!"

Shadowpaw's fur spiked along his spine, but he said nothing.

"I thought of you like a son and-"

"I'm not your son. I have no father, as far as I'm concerned." Shadowpaw hissed, his eyes glinting dangerously.

Scourge knew better than to keep talking.

And yet...

And yet he still felt the urge to ask question after question after question.

Time seemed to drag by and finally, finally, they were able to go back to camp.

They were greeted by Snowfall at the entrance.

"So what'd you guys get?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Moss." Shadowpaw answered for the rest of them. "Just moss."

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