Getting Away With Murder

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Written: August 6, 2018

Tina May Smith wasn't an average girl. Her closest friends said she was somewhat of an imperial Snow Queen. Accordingly, she had a secret that she could never tell anyone, and she never did. Every day, on her way home from work, Tina would offer random men rides to wherever they needed to go, since she knew every nook and cranny in this tiny town. Plus, she didn't charge any money. Every so often, she would pull up in her black SUV and ask some guy, "Hey, do you need a ride? Don't worry, it's just like horseback riding, except on an endangered species instead of horses. And much less bumpy."

To which the guy would respond, "Thank you, but I don't need a ride. I can walk; it's really not that far." But Tina would insist in a way that made it impossible to decline such an offer, and he would get in the passenger seat. Eventually, the childhood of the children of each man would be ruined, forcing them to grow up without a father from that point onward, not knowing where he disappeared off to or whether or not he was ever coming back.

The temperature inside the vehicle was set so hot that it would make each of them pass out. Tina was used to the temperature since she grew up in Ecuador, where it was hot all year round. Instead of taking the men to where they asked her to take them, she went 50 miles out of her way, making them disappear without a trace. She drove past windmills, through a tunnel, none of which the men saw since they were unconscious, until she arrived at an abandoned wine factory she bought 3 years before she started making men disappear off the face of the Earth, in the middle of a Cypress forest. She pulled up into a small parking lot in the back of the factory, out of view of the roads, and pulled the men into the hidden basement, strapping them to a metal chair that had been bolted to the floor. There they were left alone with food and water until the next day.

Tina would come back every day before work to feed them. After work, she would come and torture the poor fellow, giving him food after so he doesn't starve to death, coming back, day after day and week after week, to do the same thing. The torture was so bad that I cannot go into detail on what she did to these men or you'll puke.

One day, each man would give in, and Tina would no longer find them fun to torture. That was the time when she went in, slit their throat, and saved the usable body parts in containers in the fridge so that she could eat them later, dumping the rest; hair, bones, and skin; into the factory poop hole, and they were never seen again. Then she would go out and get another to stock up with, starting the process all over again.

The police never found who did it and the killings continued for 27 years after the first. Then, one day men stopped disappearing, leaving the FBI confused. Did the killer die or get caught, or did he just never exist, and all the people who'd disappeared just got eaten by something in the woods?

The next day, the body of Tina May Smith washed up on the riverbank, one of her victims explaining to the police exactly what had happened, him being her final victim, escaping from the little room and shooting her in the head when he saw her coming back, and she fell in the river.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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