The Day before Results

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Present Time...

Beep.....Beep....Beep.... The damn alarm clock is needed once again to help me get up and start the day and unfortunately the rest of the year. I groan and slam my hand down on the clock, turning off that horrible noise. Okay. Everleigh, you got this just sit up and face the fact that it is your last year of high school, just one more year! I mentally say to myself. Slowly getting up I check my phone to see my best friend since diapers Wren blowing up the fricken screen with a million text messages, taking about the basic what outfit do I wear? Do we have class together, etc.  I quickly send her a text saying "I just woke up up send me what you came up with", and hit send. I got up slowly and walked across my room to the door. Before my hand even reaches the handle, it busts open and 3 people tackle me to the floor. "What the hell!?" I yell, trying to shove the 3 bodies off of me. They each get up and look and me with huge grins on their faces. My parents decided to punish me by making me the only daughter out of the 4 kids. My brothers, Tanner (14), Reece (10), and my twin (born 10 minutes before me) Aedion, laugh at my pissed off face and run downstairs before I could throw something at them. I sign and slowly make my way down the stairs after them and sit at the dinning table still half asleep. Eventually a plate of food is set in front of me and I feel a kiss on my cheek. I turn to see my beautiful mother staring down at me with so much love in her eyes. "Good morning mom." I say finally waking up when the smell of bacon hits my nose. I turn back to my food and start eating, enjoying every mouthful. I spot my dad running down the stairs in his fancy suit, obviously late for work and he quickly kisses my mom and hugs each of us. "Hey!" I yell as my dad swipes a piece of bacon from my plate and takes off towards the garage. "Bye Ever, Aedion, Tanner, and Reece." He yells before running out the door. "That man is late for everything I swear." My mom mumbles as she takes our empty plates back to the kitchen. I quickly sprint up the stairs to my room and put on my outfit I set out last night. Skinny jeans with a white and black stripped shirt and jean jacket. I throw on my red converse and pack my backpack before heading to the bathroom and doing all the necessities in there. "Aedion are we riding in my car or yours?" I yell running down the stairs. "Um, I can drive us!" Aedion yells back. I grab my packed lunch from the counter and shove it in my backpack before giving my mom a kiss on the cheek. "Hurry up Aedion we are going to be late!" I yell walking to the garage. "Give me a break Ever! It's the first day of school I just gotta find my keys!" Aedion yells back. I go in the garage and sit in the passenger side of Aedions black Camero and wait. "Let's hope this year is different," I mutter to myself as Aedion finally hops into the car and takes us to school.

A/N: I guys Thank you for reading my slowing coming along book! I will try my best to stay on top of updates and I hope you enjoy the story!

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