The Match Results

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Waking up for the second day of school is actually harder in my opinion. Aedion barged into my room and actually carried me down stairs to breakfast which is where I am right now struggling to not face plant into my bowl of cereal. "Yo, Everleigh you need to like wake up seriously." Aedion says with a concerned look. "You know I'm not a morning person Aedion, just give me a few minutes." I say slowly eating my delicious cereal. He just sighs before getting up and getting ready.
My parents and the other brothers have already left so it was just Aedion and I. I get up and clean my dishes before getting ready. I decide to wear a royal blue dress with black flats. Heading to the bathroom after getting dressed I observe my face. The cuts are not even that noticeable anymore but. I covered them up best I could just to be sure.  Once satisfied, I walk downstairs.  "Aedion Ill drive hurry up!" I yell grabbing my bag and keys. I go to the garage and hop into my baby, which is a black hummer. Aedion and I have very different taste when it came to cars. Aedion eventually hops in and we head to school.
"So, who do you think your soulmate is going to be?" I ask Aedion trying to create conversation in the car. "Um, I have no idea, but I just hope whoever it is likes me back in the end." Aedion says smiling. "How about you?" He asks. "Well, I'm fine with whoever but you know how I am. I want to take things slow and not rush." I say honestly.  Aedion and I are actually really close and I always speak the truth when taking to him, because I cherish our relationship that much. "I agree Everleigh but just know I will not be afraid to kick your "soulmates" ass if they mistreat you got it! And no sex or touching each other like hugs and stuff!" Aedion says all serious.  "Oh god Aedion shut up!" I yell slapping his arm as I pull into the parking lot. "Just know Ill be keeping an eye on you to mister!" I yell as he gets out of the car and jogs over to his friends. Ugh that kid! Who does he think I am. ,
I walk into school and spot Brecken and Wren at my locker. "Hey guys!" I say hugging them both. "Hey Everleigh I haven't seen you in awhile." Brecken says throwing me a big smile. Brecken is another close friend that I might have a slight crush on, but no one needs to know that. At 6'2, brown hair, freckles, and blue eyes, he was perfect. "Ya same with you! How is everything?" I ask while getting my books for class. "Great, actually I am thinking of giving baseball a try. All. The guys think I should as well." Brecken says as he and Wren follow me to class. "That's awesome Brecken, Wren and I will make sure to be there to cheer you on at all your games!" I say before waving goodbye and following Wren into class.  I force her to sit by me so I wouldn't have to deal with.  Greyson. "Are you nervous to get your results back?" she asks.  "No not really but we are gonna have to wait and see once we get our results back." I say giving her arm a squeeze of reassurance.
The bell rings and Mr. Williams comes in with a huge stack of papers, our results.  Just then Greyson and his buddies stroll in late once again. Greyson frowns as he spots Wren sitting next to me. "No matter what do not leave your seat." I whisper to Wren. She nods and throws a nasty look to the three boys coming towards us. "I believe that is my seat." Greyson says with a pissed off look on his face. "You can go sit over there by your friends." Wren says pointing to her old spot. Greyson growls yes growls and actually grabs Wrens desk and drags it behind mine. I watch his huge muscles flex as he pulls my best friend away.
He then grabs a empty seat and slides it next to mine. " What the hell is wrong with you!" I mutter glaring at him. Why has he suddenly taking such an interest in me. I'm not special Ive got the basic brown hair, green eyes and antisocial thing going my way plus, I cant have Mariah and her group see me around him! I'll just try to ignore him and hope for the best. I look forward and Mr. Williams gets the classes attention. "Okay class, this is the moment you have all been waiting for! The match test results are in and as I call your name come up and grab your sheets. After class we will all got to the gym and you can go find your soulmate!" Mr. Williams says smiling. I hear Mariahs friends giggling up in the front and I try my best to ignore the pounding in my chest. This is it, the moment we have been waiting for since freshmen year.
Mr. Williams calls names and everyone slowly gets their results. "Everleigh" Mr. Williams says looking at me. I slowly get up and walk to the front of the class. I grab my sheet and hurry back to my desk. I take a deep breath and open the results underneath my desk. It reads "Congratulations on your test results! We are excited to have found the perfect match for you! We hope your future is bright with your soulmate. From the U.S. Government.
I look down and freeze reading the name three times just to make sure my eyes aren't playing any tricks on me. It says  Greyson Pierce. You've got to be kidding me. I look over to see Greyson sit down with his sheet. I look gown at my desk not daring to see the look on his face. Why him? We never get along... This is just going to cause more shit to happen with Mariah. I wonder who she got?
    I felt Greysons desk move and I cant help but look at his face. His eyes were already on me when I looked and my heart hammered in my chest. He was so beautiful yet deadly. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "well this is going to be fun, I get paired with the quietest girl in school. Lets see how quiet you are when we get to know each other, physically." He says winking. I feel my face heat up and I scowl in disgust. Is that how he sees all woman? Just as some object that he can use when we he wanted? Well he is going to learn the hard way that I am not someone who is going to break or give up easily.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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