Chapter One

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Camila knew she shouldn't have gone over to the other side but who was gonna stop her? She's making her way home with partially tangled hair & her heels are being carried by her right hand. "Mila, what the fuck are you doing here?" she hears her older brother say from behind.

"Why do you use that language so much?" Camila rolled her eyes as she turns around to see her brother dressed in a fancy suit, "& what do you mean what am I doing here? If ya didn't realize I live in this neighborhood, with you!"

"It's 6 in the morning," he said with a quieter tone, "where were you? I had to lie to mom & dad."

"I went down to the valleys," she answers beginning to walk inside her home, "what's the big deal? It's not the first time we lied to mom & dad for each other."

"You shouldn't be going there by yourself," he walks closely behind Camila, "you might've run into the leader of The Snaps."

"Are you talking about Jauregui?" Camila smirked at her brother, "she doesn't even know how I look like, heck, I don't even know how she looks like."

"Which means you could be her prey," her older brother states while Camila sits on the couch, "I'm just looking out for you."

"I just wanted to go down to Mama D's," Camila sighed, "& by the way, I didn't go by myself."

"Who did you go with?" he asked her as he sat down on the recliner diagonal from his younger sister.

"Dinah," she answers simply flipping through the channels of their television.

"You know that Dinah hangs out with The Snaps," his voice rising a bit, "she's still kind of dangerous."

"Dinah is one of my closest friends & wouldn't hurt a fly," Camila states glaring at her older brother, "besides she is part of The Snaps."

"I don't want you hanging out with her as much anymore," he says through gritted teeth.

"I am not a little kid anymore Justin," she says, "I know you dislike The Snaps & all but Dinah is a great person."

"I don't get how Dinah would want to be part of The Snaps when she could have us, she belongs with us," Justin relaxed a bit, "not with those greasers."

"This isn't the 1950's," Camila chuckled, "we're just two different social classes that don't & won't ever mix together."

"I'm not saying that it's the 1950's," Justin stated, "but it sure seems like it, I mean their hair is so greasy."

"Whatever, Dinah chose them because she grew up with Jauregui," Camila said finally stopping to watch High School Musical, "she may be upper class now but she wasn't always & whoever Jauregui is, she has a hold on Dinah."

"Well, I wouldn't doubt it, The Snaps are full of gays," Justin says not trying to offend the gang.

"Please don't tell me you're a homophobe," Camila looked over at Justin.

"No, I'm serious," he says, "Jauregui is for sure into girls & Michael, or whatever his name is, likes Luke."

"Luke? As in my boyfriend Luke?" Camila started to feel jealousy but not a whole bunch, "Luke Hemmings?"

"Yeah, but that's just a rumor I hear whenever I'm down there," Justin tries to calm down Camila's nerves. He knew that Luke was using his sister as a distraction. He knew that Luke & Michael had something going on. Of course, being the big brother, Justin didn't want to tell her that. What he wanted to do was break Luke's face but also knew that Camila didn't have genuine feelings for her boyfriend. No matter how much she said that she liked him.

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