Chapter Two

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"You 2 coming to the masquerade?" Ally asked the teenagers before her. Michael & Lauren nodded while grinning. "Great, me too."

"Well, no shit Ally, you work here," Lauren chuckled a little bit too hard then what she had intended. The short girl reached over the counter & hit her friend in the arm.

"No dummy, Demi gave me the day off, Brad is taking over my shift," Ally said & went back to cooking an order of pancakes that someone just ordered, "plus James is working that day too."

"Where are James & Brad anyways?" Michael noted the absence of the two boys before taking the last few gulps of his drink.

"They're looking for tuxes for tomorrow, they're still required to at least blend in," Demi explained to the group.

"They're buying tuxes?" Lauren asked surprised. It was rare these days for anyone in the valleys to be able to buy any sort of 'fancy' clothing like dresses & suits.

"No," Demi chuckled at the question, "but someone over at the bling ring is giving them suits in exchange for them cleaning his store."

"Why didn't you do that Ashton?" Michael asked his close friend.

"Because I have plenty of suits that my dad used to wear when he was younger, they'll go good with this dance," Ashton smiled before going to clean the restrooms.

"Lauren, mind going with me to the store to look for a dress for me?" Ally asked the younger girl.

"Sure, but which store?" Lauren asked taking a fry from the basket of fries that Demi had slipped to the two teenagers.

"Forever 21," she says a bit shyly. Lauren had an annoyed look plastered on her face & everyone knew why.

"That store's all the way at the bling ring," Lauren said taking a handful of fries now, "but fine, how are you gonna pay for it?"

"I've been saving up for a dress since last year, this gives me the perfect excuse to actually buy it," Ally smiled now starting to prepare a burger for one of the costumers.

"Sure but we'll have to somewhat fit in," Lauren told her short friend.

"Does that mean you'll take off your lip piercings?" Ally said hopeful, she's been wanting to see how Lauren would look like without the snakebites.

"Yes, I even know this make up trick so it'll seem like I've never had them on at all," Lauren grinned, "but tomorrow they're back on."

She's thankful that all the costumers at Mama D's at the moment are all from the valleys. "Great, I can make you look girly!" Ally exclaimed knowing that Lauren wouldn't be wearing her leather jacket & combat boots that afternoon when they went shopping.

Later that day both girls were on their way to Forever 21. Meanwhile in the upper class area Camila was telling Justin to take her to the same store. "I'll be waiting in the car," Justin told the younger girl. Camila hurried re-touching her make up & went to the car. "Do you think they'll have masks for guys too?" he asked.

"Yeah, I asked Calum through text a few minutes ago & he said yes," Camila smiled & both siblings were on their way to the store. Once they were there Camila went straight to the dresses with Justin dragging behind her. "You do realize that Calum can help you with finding your mask, right?"

Justin soon disappeared from her side once that was said. Camila finally found a few dresses that she liked & was heading to the fitting room but bumped into someone, causing her to fall on her butt. "I'm sorry," the girl apologized sticking her hand out.

"Just watch where you're going next time," Camila said harshly still on the floor, rejecting the girl's hand not even looking up at her.

"Don't talk to her like that," a voice roared at her which caused her to look up & meet emerald eyes.

"It's alright," Ally whispered into Lauren's ear, "really."

"No, this princess needs to know how to treat people with respect," Lauren glared at Camila. Ally then looked at Camila curiously, she seemed familiar to her but didn't know from where.

"Sorry," Camila got wide eyed recognizing Ally from Mama D's, "I have to go."

With that Camila hurried to the fitting rooms leaving the other two girls alone. "I think I knew her or something," Ally said softly, noticing that the girl had a light pink bow in the back of her hair but let that detail go, "I'm not sure though."

"It doesn't matter, she shouldn't be saying those things to anyone with such a bad attitude," Lauren sighed, "no matter how cute she is."

"Someone's got a crush!" Ally teased the younger girl, "someone's got a crush."

"Shut up Ally, what if she hears you?" Lauren said quietly dragging Ally to the pay line.

"Whatever Lauren, she won't recognize you either way, you look like a completely different person," Ally noted. It's true, Lauren had heels on & borrowed one of Ally's summer dresses for the occasion. The snapback she would usually wear backwards is not on her head.

Her lip piercings were out as well. It looked like she never even had them at all & her lips were pink as opposed to the red lipstick she would usually wear. Her make up was usually the same amount though.

"Whatever, lets just pay for your dress & leave," Lauren rolled her eyes but hoped that what her friend said was true.

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