➵ 42

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Still no response.

Ron put his hand on his shoulder.

"Harry, I know you can hear me,"

"Of course I can hear you," Harry snapped turning around on his bed to face Ron.

Ron looked at his best friend. They were all so tired.

"Why do people have to die?" Harry asked, his voice breaking.


"No let me talk," Harry sighed and continued.

"It's like every single year someone dies. And for what? Voldemort and his followers are recklessly killing and hurting everyone. And it's all my fault. And I can't take it anymore! I don't want to care anymore. I can't care anymore."


Harry was exasperated, "What Ron?"

"I'm really sorry to interrupt your anti-caring crusade, but not everything is about you,"

Harry looked at Ron with concern.

"There's something you need to know,"


Completely bed-ridden.

She felt so foolish. She could hardly move, it was as if she poisoned herself again. Her limbs felt frozen and her insides on fire.

The worst part of it all, the only reason it happened was worry. She was so unbelievably worried. Worried about the future of Hogwarts. Worried about what her life holds in the future. Worried about Harry. So worried about Harry.

Madame Pomfrey assured her friends that she was perfectly fine and did not need to spend another minute in the hospital wing. Just rest in her dormitory until she can return home for summer.

"Isabel," a voice said as they emerged into her dormitory.

The door shut as she saw his face. Harry.

Her felt her heart squeeze in relief.

"How are you even here?" Isabel almost laughed, "in my dormitory I mean?"

Harry winked as he stepped closer to her bed, "I've learned a trick or two in my years,"

Isabel squinted her eyes at him unbelievingly.

"Fine, McGonagall let me up," he chuckled.

His laughter slowly died as he sat next on the foot of her bed.

"I'm so sorry,"

Isabel sat herself up on the bed.

She cracked a small smile, "For what?"

"For everything." Harry scratched the back of his neck.

"And for not being there for you,"

Isabel quickly grabbed his hand.

"Harry, what are you doing right now?"

He furrowed his brows in confusion, "Talking to you?"

"Exactly," Isabel laughed, "You are here right now. You are here for me. You were there for me in the hospital. And all this year. And last year."

Harry shook his head but Isabel continued.

"When I think of who has always been there for me, it's you. It has always been you. So don't you dare tell me that you are sorry for 'not being there for me'."

Harry sighed and smiled as he watched Isabel stare back at him.

"How are you feeling?" He said, his voice almost a whisper.

She smiled and whispered back, "A lot better now you're here."

She slid her body over to the right side of her bed and patted the spot next to her.

Harry smiled and lifted the covers and crawled in with her.

Isabel sighed in complete relief as she laid her head on Harry's chest. It was as if every pain and worry went away when she was with him.

She drifted off into an effortless sleep feeling Harry's chest rhythmically rise and fall as his fingers combed through her hair.


"'To the Dark Lord.
I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. —R.A.B.'" Hermione looked up at Harry, "Who is R.A.B?"

"My guess is that R.A.B. is someone's initials," Ron stood up and walked towards his friends looking over the school.

"So insightful Ron," Isabel smirked.

"Regardless," Harry said fiddling with the locket, "This is a fake horcrux. Meaning the real one is still out there so all of this was a waste. All of it."

Isabel just leaned her head on Harry's shoulder.

He smiled to himself and rested his head on hers and continued, "I'm not coming back."

"So we reckoned," Ron added.

Harry just continued to stare out at the horizon, "I'm going to finish what Dumbledore started. I have to."

Isabel lifted her head and stared at him incredulously.

He looked back at her, "Don't worry, I will write to you all and make sure you know where I am. I just have to do this."

"I've always admired your courage Harry, truly," Hermione said, "But sometimes you can be a complete idiot."

Isabel laughed and nodded, "Do you really think we're going to let you go off alone to try to find these horcruxes?" She grabbed his hands, "You need us Harry,"

Harry laughed softly and looked around at his friends.

"Yeah, I do need you."

Ron and Hermione winked at each other as they watched Harry's arm snake around Isabel's waist.

Hermione jokingly put her arm around Ron's waist, to which he just grabbed her arm and held her hand.

They all stood like that in each others company staring at the horizon of their school.

It's where they learned and grew up and felt at home.

Hermione's voice was soft, "Do you think we'll ever come back?"

The four friends just looked at each other, unsure of what their future held. 

Fighting emotion, Harry said, "I don't know,"

Just staring at the sun set made it feel as if their home, their safe place, Hogwarts was slipping away from them.

And they were not ready to say goodbye.


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