Chapter Two

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The sun shone through the closed window. Giving the room the warmth and the light it needed to be bright rather than dreary and dismal. I was feeling better than yesterday that was for sure, but what I feared more than feeling better was the fact that I knew deep down it wouldn't last long. Not very long indeed. My body wanted to shake and quiver, at the memory of the evil feeling that had passed through me yesterday. The only thing that stoped me from actively doing so was something I had told no one about. Not even my mother though I knew I could trust her. I knew my mother could possibly feel what was there, after all she was an Elemental, any Elemental could possibly sense it, but it never gave off a strong presence unless it was helping me against something troubling.

The only person who might have seen it was Princess Fay. When we had arrived my brother had pulled a prank on her and I had gone to steady her. I had ignored the protest from my cane and my body as I rushed out of the carriage and pulled the princess from my younger brother's grasp. I had felt her power as I touched her, and it was only when I had her what I thought was far enough away, for her to realize what was going on. I had to dig deeper for what little strength I had in me and used some of my power to soothe her, with what little mental strength I had left as well.

The princess looked a bit dizzy still after all of it. Fay, that was her name. I could never quite remember it, it wasn't something that stuck in my brain. She had blinked, blinked again, then shook her head no. I had watched as Fay blinked again, once more, looking directly at me, but not quite me. It was if she was looking past me. She looked shocked, almost scared. She stumbled back against her father, no doubt scared and curious at the same time about what she was seeing. I did not have the strength to look into her eyes. To admit to her I knew what was there, was actually there. Especially not in front of everyone that was there. I worried she would tell, but I knew she never did because the council, let along Queen Falcon had yet to burst in and question me on it. Sooner or later though, I would have to talk to Fay. To get her to understand why she could not tell anyone. Ever. But with the way I was at the moment, I did not have the ability to walk towards her room, which was up a flight of stairs as well to make things extra challenging.

"What's wrong with him?!"

I heard my mother nearly shout as she came bursting in through the chamber doors. Her voice was almost breathless, but yet some how steady and authoritative. Startling not only the healer at my bedside, but my two siblings as well. Naomi dropped the doll in her hands and Richard dropped the wooden toy in his hand.

"I'm fine mother, I just wanted you here." I said, looking in to her eyes as I tried, and struggled to sit up. With a few quick steps she was there helping me sit up, and then perching on the bed next to me. The healer proceed to explain how I was getting better and I would be ready to travel in about a week or two, if she wished to take me home. With that the healer left the room, leaving the four of us alone. Naomi came and snuggled into our mother, the stress and fear of the last two days showing clearly on her face. She had been more quite than usual and our mother knew that. She hugged Naomi close to her as she looked at my face. She saw how pale I still was, how my arms trembled as I put my arms around her and my sister. Meanwhile, Richard, my youngest sibling, sat on the carpet in front of the fire place, silently playing with some of the wooden toys her had brought with him, which included the wooden sword that father had given him for his tenth birthday not that long ago. A very long time passed as we sat there, no words spoken, the silence uninterrupted. A peace seemed to settle over us, even just for a few moments, I was grateful for it. I looked up at my mother's face and saw the tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. Tears she would never shed in front of Naomi or Richard, I knew that much.

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