Chapter Four

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Prince Lawrence

Naomi handed me my cane as I came to stand up with her help, off of the bed I had been laying on for what had seemed like for ever in my mind. I had spent more of my life in a bed than doing anything else. It seemed it would also be the place that I eventually died too, most likely. If it was not, I would indeed be surprised at that. She held onto my arm tightly, and I leaned on her, grateful for her help. She whispered in my ear, "Mother is going to have a fit if she knows your leaving the room. She shan't be pleased with this Lawrence. She will not be at all. If she..." she just simply shook her head.

I grimaced and stood as straight as I could, something that in the last few years, was not an easy thing to do at all. Thankful Richard was not in the room and would not be able to tattle on me or Naomi, something he loved to do, because he wanted and would do anything to have all the attention on him, instead of me. With that I felt guilty, knowing that my parents showered so much of their attention to me. She was and almost always had been my partner in crime. Our sibling relationship was a close one. I knew if I ever needed anything Naomi, my sweet sister, would be there to help or try and get whatever it was for me. She did things for Richard too, but she never spent as much time with him as she did with me. 

"I am well enough to do this Naomi. I want to get out. I need to. All I seem to do is stay in a bed. There is fresh air and the day is nice. I feel strong enough to do this. Please just help me. I won't tell if you won't tell. Besides, the only person who would really tattle isn't here."

I said, hoping that she knew I was serious about it.
My body wanted to shake and quiver as I said this. Threatening to do so no matter how hard I tried to hold it back. Namoi's arm one of the only things beside the oblivious, holding me up. I was constantly surprised at the strength of the cane I used.

"You'd better be alright. No shaking or trembling okay? If we are going to pull this, we will."

Naomi said in a matter of fact voice I knew she only used with me. It was part of her thing of trying to seem like the grown up, as most often she was helping me, and I was rarely helping her.
For being so young, thirteen, she understood more than most her age did about my afflicted condition. More importantly she understood what it takes out of me to even just stand.

"Let's go."

I said, eager to get out of the room. She nodded and let go to check to make sure the hallway was clear. She cracked the door open, just barely, and peaked out. After a few moments she closed the barely cracked door and spoke.

"Alright, let's hurry. Though I still think we will get caught."

She said, a small frown on her face as she came back and tightly wound her arm around mine. The one without the cane in it.

"I am glad we are here."

She said in a very low voice. She was, I realized, truly fearful of our mother in this moment. Most of the time she wasn't. Most of the time she stood up for our adventures. I could tell my sister was more concerned than ever before. Maybe because we both knew deep down this affliction was only getting worse and was heading towards the inevitable faster than anyone wanted.

"Time away from home and seeing friends was worth the rocking of the boat as we came across. Richard's face when it went green, now that was funny. Plus since we are staying a little longer I'll get to ride Fay's horse this time. At least she said I could. It such a beautiful horse too."

I nodded my head in response. What could I truly say? I was holed up most of the time so I knew little of their conversations or little of anyone else's conversations that occurred here in the castle. I knew what she told me. I was isolated more often than I was included.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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