chapter one

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lowercase intended. ( warning: mentions of abuse read at your own risk!! (it's nothing too bad, but thought i'd put a warning just in case) )

third person pov

sabrina groans, as the furious beeping of her alarm continues, sunlight seeping into the room from her window. although she did in fact like the morning time, this morning in particular was not going to be fun, because she had school. and school was not fun. she had recently moved in, about a week ago. and now, was her first day of middle school here in hawkins, indiana.

sabrina sighed, sitting up and looking over at her window, noticing how the sun lit up the room oh-so well. she remembered what had happened last night, and she shook off her doubts. a dream, she had thought. standing up, she walked towards her closet. now, sabrina is strangely small. not only is she short for her age, but she looks like she never eats. which, she doesn't eat much, but she's still very tiny.

she grabs a over-sized sweater, and some black leggings and threw them on. alia loves over-sized things, their warmth just makes her feel nice. throwing on a pair of sneakers, she grabs her backpack and heads downstairs.

as usual, her "dad" drew is at work, and her mother is sitting on the couch watching the television. "hey sab, i made some waffles if you want some. have a good day at school!" her mother said, gesturing to the plate of waffles set neatly on the counter in the kitchen.

instead of saying anything, sabrina nods and walks out the front door.

she glanced over at her bike before picking it up from the ground and hopping onto her bike. she takes one last look at her house, then speeds off into the distance.


sabrina arrived at the school, placing her bike on the bike racks noticing a pretty fancy car speeding into the parking lot. sabrina stared as the car passed by, watching a red-headed girl step out of the vehicle that seemed to be around her age along with an older boy. ignoring the pair, she stepped in the school.

she made her way to the principal's office, seeing as it wasn't very hard to find. she spoke to the lady at the front. "hi, i'm new." she said with a kind smile. "name?" the lady replied.

"sabrina callisto." sabrina spoke softly.

"go on in." the dark-haired lady replied, gesturing to the room to her left. sabrina nodded, moving to open the door to the room.

"hi, i'm new here." she says, looking at the man who supposedly was her principal. after telling him her name, he handed her the schedule for her classes. it was then that the girl from earlier stepped in. "hey, i'm max mayfield. i'm new." she said casually, glancing over at sabrina to see who she was. he handed her the schedule that sabrina had previously been given, before leading both of them to their first class that they shared together together.

"ah, this must be our new students." the teacher said they walked in with the principal.

"indeed it is, all yours." the principal said.

sabrina noticed max was walking towards the seats, so she followed.

"all right, hold up there. you don't get away that easy." the teacher responded, pushing the two back to the front. "come on up, don't be shy." he said quietly.

"dustin, drum roll." then a kid near the front with ultra curly hair followed his commands.

"class, please welcome, all the way from sunny california and georgia, the latest passengers to join us on our curiosity voyage, maxine and sabrina." he moved his hand towards them to add extra affect to his sentence.

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