chapter two

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she arrived at the arcade about five minutes late to see max playing on an arcade machine.

"hey!" sabrina said, walking up behind max.

"hey." max smiled, before turning her attention back to the game she was playing.

sabrina watched from over her shoulder as she played, admiring the girls skills.

"ugh!" max groaned.

"it's okay, you'll get it next time!"

"doubt it. by then, one of those boys probably will have beaten my score."

"oh don't be so sad! i mean, there's other games." sabrina insisted, watching her friend look around to find a game she enjoyed.

max shook her head. "lets just go sit down."

sabrina nodded at that statement, following as max found a table. sabrina started to hear something. to her it sounded like maybe a storm or something.

tearing her eyes off the windows, she looked down at max. "hey max do you-" sabrina gasped.

her red-headed friend was nowhere in sight, and the entire arcade was now covered with vines.

everyone was.. gone?

the rumbling she had heard continued, and she couldn't seem to know what it was. trembling with fear, sabrina took a step outside to be brought with a sight she never wanted to see.

there was louder rumbling, as she looked upon a flashing sky. there was lightning, and it was pink and red. it seemed like a storm, but amplified. sabrina froze in place, taking in her surroundings. far away, as the light flashed, she saw something in the sky.

it was all black, and it happened to seem a bit shadow-y. sabrina couldn't quite figure out what it was before she got snapped back to reality.

"sabrina!" the red-head screamed.

"wh-wha?" sabrina said breathlessly.

"jesus christ! are you okay?" max worriedly exclaimed.

"yes yes i'm fine." sabrina breathed out, looking around to see everything was back to normal.

"i just have these weird episode things. no big deal."

"that is a big deal! that-that could be like apart of a mental illness or something!" max yelled, a bit too loud. "sorry.. but something could be wrong! have you not gone to a doctor or anything?" sabrina shook her head, sighing.

"please don't tell anyone. my parents don't even know."

"sabrina.." max started in a softer tone. "you know i'm gonna keep worrying about you, right?" sabrina rolled her eyes, a grin started to form on her cheeks.

"let's go back inside."


sabrina had woken up to the furious beeping of her alarm clock. she groaned, turning it off and getting up.

she walked over to her closet, picking out a outfit she thought was cute.

sabrina picked out a t-shirt with jeans, along with a dark purple hoodie. she picked up her shoes, grabbing her backpack and heading downstairs.

her father was in the living room, watching something on the tv.

"Where do you think you're going young lady?" he said, his words laced with alcohol.

"s-school." sabrina gulped. he got up, and made his way towards her.

he gripped her wrist tightly, looking her straight in the eyes.

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