Part 1 🐣

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For years Moon Taeil had praised the very ground Dong Sicheng walked on. Everything about him was what he imagined as perfect. However Sicheng paid him no attention. In fact he thought he was annoying and wanted nothing to do with him. However, Taeil was either overly optimistic or stupid. Probably both. The guy never gave up, he persisted to show his love and admiration for the chinese boy but always received rejection.

"Aagh taeil why do you always look at me like that can't you go look at a wall or something"

Taeil sat there at shook his head slowly "nooooo the wall isn't as interesting as you" he giggled and hugged Sichengs arm.

Winwin was used to him at this point so he rolled his eyes and went back to his mobile game.

"Winwin" ...... No reaction "winwiniiiie"

Yuta looks up from his phone "what the hell dude leave him alone. Its the same fucking game with you two when will you just give up?"

Taeil looks at Yuta smiling like he always does then looks at sicheng "cuz I love him"

Sicheng nearly gags pushing him off his arm and walking to his room and closing the door.

Winwin walked into room frustrated throwing his phone on the bed then throwing himself on it as well. "How many times do I have to tell him no for him to get it into his thick skull that i'm not interested. It's hard enough having jaehyun and yuta trying to shove their hands up my ass then I have to deal with that one breathing down my neck" He groans then opens up his phone

5 new texts from Jaehyun

10 new texts from Yuta

2 new texts from Taeyong

99+ new texts from Taeil

1 new text from Kun

He hops up seeing its from Kun, the one person who doesn't want some of that sweet winbooty.

Kun: Hey Win wanna hang out later? Its not like you have anything better to do. Heh. cuz you have no lines to practice. Heh.

Winwin: 1 you aren't funnt. 2. You don't exsist. Why are you even in NCT anymore

Kun: Obviously for my looks *fips imaginary hair*

Winwin: ew no. But yeah what time?

Kun: 3ish? I wanted to go get smoothies at that new place.

Winwin: oooooooo! Yeye i'll be there

He flops his phone next to him then smiles brightly excited to hang out with Kun. Then out of no where his vision blurs and everything's dark.

A few minutes before

After Sicheng left Taeil lay on the couch stuck in a daydream then is interrupted by Yuta leaning over to him "I want you to know. Winwins mine bitch. Gotit? We aaaaallll know he likes me. I'm the only one he responds to positively. Hell i'm the only one he responds to" he stands up "You can keep trying but like always it'll lead to failure. Just honestly give up" he pokes the inside of his mouth in frustration then walks off leaving Taeil with a sad look.

He sighs and turns to the side scrolling on his phone. He continues to scroll through his phone about to fall asleep until a special little guy named Haechan shows up. He pokes Taeils forehand whispering "hey hyung."

Taeil shakes his head and smiles at the boy "hey."

"So. I have a proposition to make. You're obsessed with winwin we all know this. What if I could.. I don't know figure out a way to get you closer to him. Ccrrraazzyyy cloose " he gets close to taeils face when saying way.

Taeil jumps then hesitantly says "uh... yes continue."

Haechan plops next to him "The catch is. I need part of your soul".

Taeil shakes his head "no if winwins to be mine i need my whooooole soul in order to be fully devoted to him."

Heachan makes an annoyed noise "hyung, this is a once in a life time opportunity and the only way I can give thi to you is if I get a bit of your soul. Can you just trust me?"

Taeil cuts him off shaking his head "no. but first we need to talk about the fact that you're asking for my soul. I knew you were devilous but i didn't know you were LITERALLY devious"

"Don't ask it'll all get explained later in the story"

"Story? What story Haechan have you lost your mind?"

"Never had one to begin with. But you're taking too long to say yes so, boooop!" He smiles obnoxiously wide then snaps his fingers and Taeil passes out. He rubs his hands together then pulls out a small contraption and it makes little beeping sounds as he hovers it over Taeils face.

"Oh wow he does have a soul" he clicks a button and it sucks out a little white cloud from Taeils face.



Nana: haaaeeccchhaaaaannnnnnnnnn

Nana: I've never been more anxious in my life IN AND OUT NANA YOU'LL MAKE IT THROUGH THIS

Haechan: Will you shut up? And yess it worked

Nana: Woah woah wait. So you're telling me Taeil has a soul. And you gotpart of it?

Nana: ...........

Nana: I'm jealous

Haechan: heheheh hey you've got Jenos, Renjuns, Jisungs, and i'm pretty sure Tens right?

Nana: I tired
Nana: He's soulless.

Hacehan: HAH! I knew it! Give me my 5 bucks


Haechan and Jaemin collect souls

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