"Why does Finn Wolfhard have to be so adorable?"  Brindy mumbled softly to her manager 'Kathy' while scrolling through Finn's Instagram.

She sighed to herself softly as she zoomed in on his face.


She chuckled. As she admired his curly black hair.

Right as Brindy was about to zoom in on the next photo of Finn's face, Kathy snatched Brindy's phone right from her hands.

"Hey!" Brindy protested, standing up the couch.

"No phone young lady!" Kathy scolded, "Right now, you have to film your audition tape for 'Lost in Your Heart'. And once you finish that, you may have your phone back."

Brindy gave Kathy a sharp glare, and reluctantly walked over to the white screen in front of the camera. She went over the lines a few more times and fixed her hair, before closing her eyes and getting into character, and then starting.

"What do you mean you aren't in love with me anymore?" Rebecca whimpered, holding back the tears that were about to fall.

Brayden signed, and ran his hand through his hair roughly. "Listen, Rebecca. It was bound to happen. We barely even TALK now that you're in rehab and I think we both know that the spark is just dying." Brayden shrugged, unbothered by the whole situation.

Rebecca choked back a sob, and brought her hand up to the heart locket he had bought her months back. "You said you loved me. You LIED! You fucking piece of shit I ever called a boyfriend!" She yelled out, ripping the necklace off her neck and throwing it at his feet.

Her eyes closed, as the tears continued to fall, until she finally opened her eyes again, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Get the fuck out of my house before I kill you." She said calmly.


It had been two weeks since Brindy sent in her audition tape for the movie, and she was currently hanging out with her best friend Emma.

"Knock it off Emma!" Brindy shouted at Emma, who was currently hitting Brindy with a pillow repeatedly in the head.

"Come on! Have fun with me! We are supposed to be having a fun girly sleepover. But you won't get your lazy ass out of bed and off your phone." Emma pouted, hitting Brindy with the pillow one more time before falling onto the bed next to Brindy.

Brindy rolled her eyes, and continued to scroll through her Twitter feed.

"BREAKING NEWS! Actress Millie Bobbie Brown and Musical.ly star Jacob Sartorious have OFFICIALLY broken up after 6 WHOLE months of dating! What was the cause of his mysterious teen breakup? Did Jacob have an STD?? Did Millie cheat on Jacob with her co-star David Harbor?? We have all the answers!"

Brindy chuckled to herself as she read the obnoxious headline. "I can't believe Millie and Jacob broke up." She said to Emma.

"Oh. My. GOD! Finally! I've been waiting for Jacob Saggy Dick to be single for the longest time! Move outa the way crusty Millie, cause I'm coming for my man!" Emma exclaimed, jumping onto the bed and doing model poses into the mirror.

Brindy rolled her eyes. "Hey, maybe 'Jacob Saggy Dick' isn't the best nickname for your crush." She said, chuckling. "And don't be mean to Millie! We're sorta friends."

Emma rolled her eyes back at Brindy because of her comment. "Whatever. You and Millie only follow each other on Instagram and talked ONCE at a premiere. Me on the other hand? I'm your best friend." Emma cooed, squeezing Brindy's cheeks.

Brindy smacked Emma's hand away and mumbled. "I won't be for long if you keep acting like an annoying shit..."

Right as Emma was about to clap back, Brindy's phone rang.

Unknown Number Calling...

Brindy called out confused, as she brought the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" Brindy said.

"Is this... Brindy Woods?" A low voice said from the phone.

"Umm... yes it is. Who's asking?" She said nervously.

"Ahh yes! My name is Blake Smith and I am the casting agent from the upcoming movie 'Lost in Your Heart', and we would like to offer you the role of Rebecca?"

Brindy jumped up and screamed loudly, immediately forgetting she was on a phone call.

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD I GOT THE PART!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, jumping up and down.


The girls were screaming and crying with excited until they heard an,


Come from the phone.

"Oh my god I am so sorry Blake I got a little carried away! And of COURSE I will accept the role of Rebecca!" Brindy exclaimed.

He chuckled from the other line. "No worries darling. Filming starts in one month and we will email you all of the details."

Brindy grinned. "Great, thank-you Blake! Bye!" She said, about ready to end the call.

"Oh and before you leave, there's one more thing. Your co-star is the lovely Finn Wolfhard!" He said proudly into the phone.

June's face dropped, as her phone fell to the ground.

holy fuck.
Hey guys! Thankyou so much for reading the first chapter. I have a TON of ideas for this story and I'm so excited to write them for you guys! Also I thought I'd let you guys know, June is 15 in this and Finn is 16. Okay, that's all! Author is OUT bitches!

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