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Brindy's POV


I walk into the large conference room slowly and scan the room quickly to see if I can find Finn. Today is our first table read, and I am beyond nervous. Mostly because I'll be finding out what kind of romantic things me and Finn will be doing in this movie... but besides the point!

I spot a girl that looks around my age talking to a few other people in the corner of the room. She has dark brown short hair that goes to about her shoulders.

Maybe she can be a new friend around here?

I pull out my phone and decide to text Finn and ask him where he is.

Hey where r u?

Fav person ever💦:
I'm almost there. I woke up late today cause I stayed up super late watching The Office

Wtf, why is has Finn's contact name changed?

I think.

Oh damn. He must've changed it at the arcade when I left my phone at the table with him. Awe that's sweet.

Damn boi, u need to sleep. Oh and, thnx for changing your contact name. But I mean, why the wet emoji???

Fav person ever😫💦:
y not the wet emoji ?

k bye

Fav person ever😫💦:
c u soon 💦😩


"Act one scene one!" Our directer, 'Eugene' shouts, as we all start to read our lines throughout the script.

Finn and I were the main characters obviously, so we did most the talking. But then soon enough, the kissing scene came.

"Brayden walks up to Rebecca as she sits alone in the booth at the restaurant!" Eugene reads.

"Hey Rebecca." Finn says, reading his line.

"Hi Brayden..." I read.

"What happened to your date tonight...?" Brayden asks confused, gesturing to the empty seat in front of her.

"Didn't show up. And now I feel stupid." Rebecca says, slumping into her seat.

Brayden slides into the seat in front of her and grins. "I'll be your new date!"

Rebecca laughs. "You don't have to do that, but thanks. I think I'm just gonna head home and watch sad movies."

Brayden frowns. "I really don't mind! I love spending time with you Rebecca! Or how about we go get icecream? Or go ice skating? Or-"

Rebecca cuts him off. "Brayden I just had a shitty night and I feel like being alone. I'm sorry. Maybe we can hangout later this week." She says, grabbing her purse and walking out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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