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Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.

— Earl Nightingale


Yawning, a small girl with shoulder length fluffy brown hair stood on her toes to unlock the gate, grunting when her fingers skimmed across the lock. She whined softly and put even more strain on her toes. Come... on! Just a little bit... more! With a small shout, she successfully lifted the latch keeping the gate attached to the fencing. Yes! She beamed, slipped on her velcro-strapped sneakers, and ran to the neighbor's house. It was still quite early in the morning but she knew that the residents of the house next door were already awake.

In seconds, she was standing in front of their gate, which was thankfully low enough for her to reach with ease. She wasted no time unlocking it and toeing off her shoes at the front door. Then she straightened her back—the same way that she had always seen her mother do when she talked to her father's parents—and knocked on the door unabashedly.

"ONEE-CHAN!" she shouted as she continued to pound her fist on the door, grinning excitedly at the prospect of seeing her again.

At last, the door was opened by none other than Shimizu Kiyoko—or Iwaizumi Kiyoko, as she was now known as. The woman smiled gently at the child, her glasses slipping down her nose slightly as she tilted her head downward to regard the little girl.

"Good morning, onee-chan!" the small child, who was no older than five, chirped.

"Good morning, Sho-chan," Kiyoko greeted softly, still smiling. "And for the last time, call me oba-chan."

Oikawa Shouko blinked in confusion. "But otou-san says that oba-chan is for old ladies!"

Kiyoko snickered. "Did he, now? Still, I'm married and a mother, so oba-chan would be more appropriate, Sho-chan."

"Oh. Okay, oba-chan!"

Though Kiyoko knew that if she did not pound the information into the child's head, Shouko would likely end up calling her older sister again. But she was still young, and Kiyoko could let it slide (not to mention that it felt good being called older sister when she was thirty). She opened the door wider to allow Shouko inside, and the girl happily slid across the floor in her socks.

"Where's Iwa-chan?" Shouko asked innocently, staring up at Kiyoko.

The woman couldn't help but snort in amusement at the nickname. Like father like daughter. "Upstairs in his study room. He'll be down soon enough when he hears all the noise you're making."

"And Kagami-chan?"

"In her room," Kiyoko informed her, remembering seeing her ten year old adopted daughter leave the sanctuary of her room for a bathroom break. She would have been back in he room by now.

"Okay, thanks onee-chan!"

Kiyoko shook her head fondly at the slip of the tongue as she watched Shouko dash upstairs to meet Kagami.

As she ran down the corridor, she screeched to a halt, having seen Iwaizumi Hajime's head of spiked up hair in another room. "Hi, Iwa-chan!"

"Ah, Sho-chan." Iwaizumi turned in his chair to smile at her before deadpanning. "And how many times do I have to tell you to call me oji-san or Iwaizumi-san?"

Shouko grinned mischievously. "My otou-san tells me to call you Iwa-chan!"

Iwaizumi sighed. "Of course he did. Not even Naoko can break that habit." He muttered the last bit to himself. "If you're looking for Kagami, she's in her room."

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