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It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill.

Wilbur Wright


"Here it is!" Oikawa presented the box with great flair, grinning at Kuroo Tetsuro. Both of the men were currently seated on the kitchen table, the latter watching Oikawa unbox his new toy.

"Let me guess, it turns into a UFO and flies as well," Kuroo quipped as Oikawa pulled out the machinery in the box.

"I wish," Oikawa returned, "But the description promised the best coffee in the world!" Indeed, the coffee machine did look very sleek and shiny. "Look at it, Tetsu... it's a queen."

Kuroo smirked. "Better not let your wife hear you say that. She's pissed enough about the thing and I don't blame her. I thought it was the woman's role to be obsessed with online shopping." Kuroo sipped his green tea, splashing the liquid in his mouth before swallowing. "Don't quote me on that, by the way."

Soon, the coffee machine was set up and Oikawa took a backseat in watching the machine dribble coffee into his mug, which he placed below the nozzle. Personally, Kuroo thought that Oikawa looked like a proud father about to hold his newborn child for the first time.

Finally, the mug was filled and Oikawa took it and sniffed, taking in its aroma. "Wow, this is pretty good..." He blew away the hot steam before taking a small sip. "This is what love tastes like!" he declared before taking a bigger gulp of the hot beverage. "Ack! Hot!" He stuck out his scalded tongue. "Fwuck."

"Serves you right, dumbass," Kuroo said before snatching the mug from him and taking a sip from where Oikawa's lips hadn't touched. "Huh. Better than I expected. Are you going to get Hajime to try it too? You know how much he loves his coffee."

"Hmm, you're right." Oikawa's tongue seemed to be better now. "I should make him a mug to try." He placed another cup underneath the coffee machine nozzle and waited for it to fill up, making conversation with Kuroo as he did so.

"How's the missus?" he asked Kuroo, smiling as he drank as coffee. "Pregnant and angry? Or still just angry?"

"Just normal angry," Kuroo answered, "We're still young, don't need kids just yet."

Oikawa groaned. "Are you kidding? We're old men... I might as well get a cane and walk around with a hunchback. Your angry wife should start calling you ojii-san soon."

"Kinky," snickered Kuroo, causing Oikawa to make a face. "Didn't realize that my wife has a grandpa fetish..."

Suddenly, Shouko was in the kitchen too, dressed in her pyjamas. "Huh? Grandpa fetish? What's that?'

"Erk!" Oikawa sat up straighter in his chair, nearly knocking over his coffee. "N-nothing you need to know about, Sho-chan," he reassured, sweatdropping. "Did you just wake up?"

"Mmhm..." Shouko rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "I couldn't sleep last night. It was too hot."

"Yeah, it is pretty warm this summer," Kuroo said, and Shouko noticed him for the first time.

"Your hair is weird," she said unabashedly. "And you look like an anime villain."

Kuroo turned to Oikawa, both eyebrows raised. "Yeah, she's definitely yours."

"Was there ever any doubt?" Oikawa said smoothly, cracking a smile.

"Who are you?" Shouko asked Kuroo, eyeing him suspiciously. Since he's a villain... "Are you here to fight Haruhi?"

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