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A/N: Early release for the final chapter. Thanks for everything, guys.


The moments we share are the moments we keep forever.

Author Unknown


"About time you decided to come back to earth," Anzu said snidely, stirring her coffee with a teaspoon as she observed Naoko, who was sitting opposite her on the cafe table. "I haven't seen your kid since she was a baby." A hurt look flashed on her face before she scowled again. "Why? Listen, I know we weren't always on the best terms during high school, but I at least liked to think that we were... friends."

"We were," Naoko affirmed, meeting her gaze evenly. "But when I got promoted..." She hesitated. "I started to... worry."

Anzu raised a perfectly drawn eyebrow. "About?"

"My new position as a Department Head. I worked as hard as I could so I could maintain it, because," it was then she sounded a little ashamed of herself, "I was worried about money again."

The red-haired girl frowned. "After all these years, and it's still about money." She sighed in an aggravated manner. "I guess old demons are hard to chase away. And for the record, all our friends still miss you. Well, most of them, anyway. You can't expect to maintain friendships after high school."

Naoko gave a noncommittal grunt. "Of course not. In an ideal world, it would be. But in our world, not so much. I'm surprised you even agreed to meet me."

"I'm just as surprised as you are." Anzu sneered at her. "And even more surprised that you chose me of all people. Speaking of, I really am curious about that. Care to enlighten me?"

"If you insist," Naoko answered evenly. "I called you because you were the only one that I trusted would give me their time of day."

"Oho? And how does that work?"

Naoko smirked. "Because I know you're always ready for an opportunity to berate me."

Anzu snorted before sipping her coffee. "You could put it less bluntly, you know. But enough about us. What's been happening with Shouko all these years?"

"She's nearly five now," Naoko said, her voice softening slightly. "I... have regrets when it comes to her. I wish I'd spend more time with her than with my colleagues and subordinates..."

"Well, you can still amend that. Just don't let time go by. Kids nowadays grow up way too fast. She'll be an adult before you know it."

"Uh huh..." Naoko went on to describe Shouko to her, speaking fondly of her antics and her friendship with the girl next door, Kagami. She talked of Shouko's new friend, Bokuto Haruhi, as well, before telling Anzu about her current lifestyle. In return, Anzu told her all about her relationship with Akane and their dancing adventures. Just last year, they'd gone to Russia for a figure skating exhibition.

"We met with one of the most famous skaters in the world," Anzu said, looking proud of herself. "Victor Nikiforov."

"Never heard of him."

Anzu rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't expect anything less from a brute like you. You might be a fancy Department Head, but you'll always be a cave woman at heart."

Naoko cocked an eyebrow. "You'd best not forget what this 'cave woman' can do to you."

Anzu grimaced. "I see you're still not above using childish threats..."

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