81. predicting avengers 4 and beyond

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me, on a daily basis: russos drop an official name for avengers 4 you ignorant sluts

i apologise in advance this chapter is messy but. i'm compiling my thoughts and hopefully this will make up for not updating in a while!!

also, take what i say with a pinch of salt! i don't actually know what is going to happen in the future of the mcu, it's just fun to predict.

i'm saying things with somewhat of an educated assumption, but i (stupidly) thought i knew what was going to happen in infinity war, so i will probably be wrong on all of these.


i'm mentioning this now so i don't forget but i would like to place a bet that in at least one of the avengers 4 trailers there's going to be a dramatic reveal of clint coming to save everyone's ass and i am going to officially Lose It™


spoilers for ant man and the wasp;)

so bill foster said this in ant man and the wasp

'in an isolated system...particles co-exist in a
stable phase relationship. if the system is interfered with, that stability becomes chaos. unpredictable. dangerous. beautiful. isolated completely, a quantum system would revert back to separate states of matter. each entangled with a distinct state of its environment. in other words...the object in question would be both in and out of phase with multiple parallel realities.'

and no offence but there are too many long words in that sentence,

but i'm looking at the 'multiple parallel realities' and having a small heart attack.

am i stretching when suggesting there are parallel realities where in thanos doesn't get all the infinity stones?

or is it saying that scott can go to parallel realities?

would that explain the behind the scenes pictures of everyone in their avengers assemble suits? and thor with long hair, tony NOT wearing the iron man suit? or is that to do with the time stone?

all i know is scott is trapped in the quantum realm once hope, janet and hank all disappeared in the snap,, i'm still not okay with that,,

but scott is going to play a huge role in avengers four... my man might get the respect he deserves xx


scott will be able to get to a parallel reality of the battle of new york, where him and the avengers there will try and destroy the tesseract, to stop thanos from ever getting it in the first place.

i doubt that will be the final battle of the film, but the climax will probably involve all the original avengers (including clint, bc i'm not having him left out again) captain marvel, and everyone else who survived the snap. what i'm saying is i want to see okoye kick thanos in the face.

(omg lol what if captain marvel also disappeared in the snap?) (what if that's the end credit scene of captain marvel i-)

ANYWAY, i'm terrified that the final battle will lead to tony's nightmare from age of ultron coming true. and i can't handle that. that keeps me up at night tbh.

honestly, i know they won't kill ALL the originals, but it's bad enough to think of even losing one of them.

i'm pretty certain at this point that steve is going to die. but my optimistic ass is holding out hope that he uses the time stone to go back to peggy because i need a happy resolution for my man.

either way, everyone who was snapped is going to come back. whether the originals have to sacrifice themselves for that to happen, i hope not.

i just want tony and peter to see each other again ):

what marvel should do is have my original avengers all live and go their separate, peaceful ways and end my childhood the right way. but i know at least one of my favourites is going to die..and i'm not ready even with a year of preparation.


honestly i don't know what they're doing with guardians of the galaxy vol 3 because of the whole, DRAMATIC, disney situation but i just pray that it doesn't get ruined..sigh. this is what i get for gotg being my faves.

i got unreasonably heated seeing the pictures of spider-man swinging around with zendaya in his arms lmao. i really could not care less for peter and mj unless they develop the hell out of them pretty fast, i'm not going to be invested.

i'm still very much in love with peter, but i guarantee he is going to SUFFER in far from home. jake gyllenhall as mysterio already owns my ass but i guarantee he's going to manipulate peter's mind into remembering literally dying in tony's arms on titan, to spending god knows how long in the soul dimension, to every painful thing this child has been through ~ for example: uncle ben dying?? just saying marvel u have an opportunity take it ~

and peter is going to kill someone in far from home. idk why i just have a feeling that he will, even if it (most likely) is accidentally. it's going to be an emotional mess, tbh.

is anything ever going to be light hearted after infinity war? i thought amatw was until that post credit scene. maybe marvel will never be happy again.. though tbh it wasn't ever particularly joyful in the first place lmao.

maybe it will always be real sad hours here lmao

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